- Green Party welcomes extension to half price fares
- Permanent half price fares for Community Services Card holders includes many students, which helps implement a Green Party policy
- Work to reduce public transport fares for Community Services Card holders started by Greens in the last Government
- Budget 2022 should be as a stepping stone towards free fares for everyone
The Green Party welcomes the support in Budget 2022 to help one million people access more affordable public transport, and says it should be a stepping stone towards free public transport free - for everyone, for good.
The Green Party welcomes the support in Budget 2022 to help one million people access more affordable public transport, and says it should be a stepping stone towards free public transport free - for everyone, for good.
“The Green Party is 100% on board with making public transport more affordable but we would have liked to have seen the Government go further and make public transport free for everyone,” Green Party spokesperson for transport Julie Anne Genter says.
“For too many people, transport costs are a real barrier to everyday activities like going to the doctor, taking the kids to school, or visiting friends and family.
“As part of the last Government, I kick started a work programme to address this and reduce the costs of public transport for Community Services Card holders.
“There are currently around one million people who can get a Community Services Card, all of whom will benefit from this announcement. I am pleased to see Labour continue the work we started.
“Most students are eligible for a Community Services Card, so Budget 2022 makes good progress on delivering a Green policy to reduce fares for students. This shows the impact we are having as part of the cooperation agreement.
“But there is much more for us to do. We need to make sure people living in rural areas also have access to reliable public transport services.
“The Green Party will continue to push for free public transport and even more investment in public transport services, and walking and cycling infrastructure to rebalance our transport system and give people more climate-friendly options for getting around,” Julie Anne Genter says.