Join Ricardo and the Mt Albert Greens Campaign Team for kai at our local Green Party office, where we’ll discuss the milestones we've smashed together in the campaign so far, and what's next for our awesome people-powered campaign. 

It's an opportunity to come together and thank all of our volunteers for their incredible efforts to date, and to welcome new people too! If you haven’t volunteered before this is the perfect opportunity to learn about the campaign and meet other Green supporters and campaigners.

This is a grassroots campaign and everyone is welcome – our local Green members will be on hand to answer any questions you have about getting involved. 

See you there! 


The Mt Albert Electorate includes the following communities: Mount Albert, Ōwairaka, Morningside, Kingsland, Grey Lynn, Point Chevalier, Western Springs and Westmere. 


Please help us keep our people-powered campaign healthy – please do not attend if you are sick and regularly RAT ahead of events. Thank you.