
  • TPPA leak proves foreign corporations can sue New Zealand

    National appears to be giving foreign corporations extra rights to sue governments if they legislate to act in the national interest, says the Green Party. New documents, leaked today, show that under the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), the investor state section under negotiation appears to go further than similar clauses in existing trade documents. “National is governing in the interest of foreign companies at the expense of local interests,” said Green Party trade spokesperson James Shaw. “The Prime Minister needs...
  • Govt must rule out selling state homes for developers to profit

    The Government must rule out selling state homes for private developers to profit from, the Green Party said today. “The Government looks set to sell off these assets to property developers, and then pay the same developers to house low income tenants through the Income Related Rent Subsidy. It’s a perverse money-go-round in which only the developers win,” Green Party housing spokesperson Kevin Hague said. “New Zealand has built up a valuable stock of state houses that meets a need...
  • State house sell-off puts New Zealanders at the mercy of property speculators

    The Government’s grand state house sell-off will pit the welfare of the most vulnerable Kiwis against the profit motives of big business, as good community organisations refuse to have a bar of the extreme housing reforms, the Green Party says. The Salvation Army has announced they will not participate in the buy-up of state houses, despite being one of the organisations championed by the Government as a possible purchaser since they announced the scheme. “The Sallies have clearly recognised this...
  • Govt out of step with PM's science advisor on childhood obesity

      The Government’s hands-off approach to childhood obesity is out of step with the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor who, in another role, recommends a ban on the marketing of junk food to kids, a ban on junk food at schools, and has given the thumbs up to a tax on fizzy drinks, the Green Party says. The Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, Professor Sir Peter Gluckman, is also Co-chair of the World Health Authority’s Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity, which...
  • Super Fund should divest $140 million in high risk coal

    The Green Party is calling on the New Zealand Super Fund to divest their $140 million investment in coal companies that are vulnerable to becoming financially stranded according to a damning new report from Oxford University. The Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford University has identified the world’s least efficient and most polluting ‘subcritical’ coal-fired power stations – assets vulnerable to becoming ‘stranded’. The Super Fund has $140 million invested in companies identified in the report. “The...
  • Govt can support value-added exports by supporting organic agriculture

    The Green Party welcome today’s announcement by Fonterra of a 45 cent per kg milk solids increase in the premium for certified organic milk. “Fonterra’s approach to organics has been inconsistent, cutting premiums in the past for organic farmers in several regions,” said Green Party organics spokesperson Steffan Browning. “During a time of difficult dairy prices, organics is a good direction for farmers to take and Fonterra needs to commit long-term to New Zealand organic production, and assure New Zealand...
  • Government won’t back the farmers working hard to improve water quality

    Prime Minister John Key needs to back the farmers who are working hard for water quality, and join Waikato Federated Farmers’ call for a moratorium on dairy conversions in order to assess the impact on the environment, the Green Party said today. “Just two days ago, the Prime Minister said that any debate around the potential for more dairy conversions should be driven by the capacity for maintaining and improving the environment,” said Green Party water spokesperson Catherine Delahunty. “But...