
  • Govt can help victims of domestic violence stay in work

    The Government should adopt Green Party MP Jan Logie’s Domestic Violence-Victims' Protection Bill after new figures showing that registrations for the Work & Income NZ family violence programme have increased nearly 50 percent from 2011. “Staying in employment is critical to reducing the effects of violence, and my Domestic Violence-Victims' Protection Bill would help that to happen,” Green Party social development spokesperson Jan Logie said. “I am pleased more victims are getting support through WINZ but more could be done...
  • Conservation Week celebrations empty without real commitment to conservation

    The National Government should use conservation week as a catalyst to reverse funding cuts to DoC, as evidence mounts that a lack of funding is threatening Kiwi and indigenous Northland forest, the Green Party said today. “The Government’s hands-off approach is damaging our wildlife and threatening the very existence of some of our most precious species, including the Kiwi who live in indigenous Northland forest,” said Green Party conservation spokesperson Kevin Hague. “Recent drone footage shows areas of Northland forest...
  • Green Party welcomes Marama Davidson to Parliament

    The Green Party today welcomes Auckland-based Marama Davidson as the Party’s newest MP and the fourth member of the party’s Māori caucus. Ms Davidson will take on the Māori Development, Social Housing, Human Rights and Pacific Peoples portfolios, following a small reshuffle in the wake of former Co-leader Russel Norman’s departure. Metiria Turei will now hold the National Intelligence and Security portfolio, as well as the Electoral portfolio. Kennedy Graham will take the Trade portfolio. Of Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa and...
  • Education Act review a farce

    The Government review of the Education Act is a farce that removes from the table anything that will involve spending more money, or challenging some of the most controversial policies of the National Government, the Green Party says. “It is impossible to have a genuine review of the Education Act if the Government has excluded all the most controversial aspects of its education reforms, including National Standards, Charter Schools, and the new undemocratic Education Council,” Green Party education spokesperson Catherine Delahunty...
  • Govt needs to think carefully before ruining NZ’s clean green and GE-free brand

    The Government’s opening of consultation over definitions of Genetically Modified Organisms needs to be paid close attention to ensure that New Zealand’s clean, green, and GE-free brand is protected, and the health and safety of people and animals is also protected, the Green Party said today. “The Government is finally acknowledging a 2014 High Court case that showed that their definitions of new technologies for risk assessments was wrong,” Green Party genetic engineering spokesperson Steffan Browning said. “Tidying up the definition of...
  • Mouldy south Auckland homes show WoF needed now

    The Government must adopt a full rental housing warrant of fitness to prevent more New Zealanders from dying and falling ill from living in cold, damp, mouldy homes, the Green Party said today. The renewed call comes after a  study overseen by Government-owned Landcare Research revealed dangerous levels of toxic mould and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in some south Auckland homes. “The Government’s own scientists are telling them how dangerous the levels of mould are in these homes, yet National’s refusing to...
  • Poor transport planning holding New Zealand back

    A new report suggests New Zealand’s potential prosperity is being held back by the National Government’s poor transport planning, the Green Party said. The report shows the amount of driving New Zealanders do relative to GDP is amongst the worst in the OECD group of countries. "If you feel like you spend too much time stuck in traffic and economically you’re not really going anywhere, you’re right,” Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said. “The OECD report shows that,...
  • Govt should side with Kiwi kids and ban junk-food vending machines

    The Green Party is calling on the Government to immediately ban junk-food vending machines from our schools, to help stop more Kiwi kids from becoming obese. The call comes after TV3’s Story revealed that sugar-filled Sanitarium drinks are being sold from school vending machines, with schools receiving financial kickbacks from the sales. “The Government recently announced its plan to tackle obesity and it has already proved to be utterly toothless,” said Green Party Health spokesperson Kevin Hague. “Voluntary measures don’t...
  • Christchurch needs more than just the new Bus Exchange

    Christchurch deserves a co-ordinated transport agency with a region-wide plan, not just the new Bus Exchange that Transport Minister Gerry Brownlee is visiting today, said the Green Party. “The National Government is tinkering around the edges when it comes to public transport, but what we need is a coordinated regional transport agency that’s able to make smart planning decisions for all the people who live and work in Canterbury,” Green Party Christchurch spokesperson Eugenie Sage said. “The new Bus Exchange...
  • Auckland housing crisis costs families and distorts economy

    The National Government’s failure to fix the Auckland housing crisis has cost a family with a $500,000 mortgage at least $4000 in extra interest, as the Reserve Bank was forced not to cut interest rates today because the Auckland housing market is a ‘financial stability risk’, the Green Party said. “The Reserve Bank is clearly worried that property investors borrowed a new record amount of $2.239 billion in September, and so they haven’t lowered interest rates,” Green Party finance spokesperson...