Better rules needed to keep NZ land in Kiwi hands
The Green Party agrees that blocking the sale of Lochinver Station to Shanghai Pengxin was the correct thing to do, but says tighter rules around the sale of land are still required to stop land falling into overseas hands. “We want the law changed to rule out the sale of farmland over five hectares to offshore interests. This would give more certainty to vendors and the public about who owns land in this country,” said Green Party primary industries spokesperson...
Economic slowdown an opportunity to invest
The Government should be using the economic slowdown as an opportunity to invest to protect jobs and move to a smart, green economy, the Green Party said today. Gross domestic product (GDP) data out today shows the economy is growing much slower than forecast, with quarterly GDP at 0.4 percent (compared to Treasury's Budget forecast of 0.7 percent) and annual GDP at 2.4 percent (compared to Treasury's Budget forecast of 3.3 percent). “Growth is slower than forecast and the risk...
Sam Lotu-Iiga must be stood down
The Green Party is calling for the Prime Minister to stand Sam Lotu-Iiga down as Corrections Minister over his continued mishandling of the SERCO debacle.
Climate uncertainty hurting business – Treasury
The Treasury has told Finance Minister Bill English that the current regulatory uncertainty around climate is hurting business, the Green Party said today. New information released to the Green Party shows that Treasury recommended as far back as October 2014 that the National Government work to secure a greater degree of political party consensus about climate change saying that “this would assist firms and individuals to better factor climate change into their long-term decision making”. “John Key understands the importance...
New information shows Corrections withdrew fines issued to SERCO
New information shows that the Department of Corrections let SERCO off the hook for fines that were issued for basic failures in its management of the Mt Eden Correctional Facility, the Green Party said today.
Government needs to act on workplace domestic violence response
The Green Party has called for the Government to act on workplace domestic violence issues by picking up a Bill the Greens’ Women’s Issues spokesperson Jan Logie has in the Member’s Bill ballot. The Greens’ call follows The Warehouse Group’s announcement today that it is developing a comprehensive human resources policy around domestic violence. “I congratulate The Warehouse Group for taking this initiative to support those of its staff whose lives are devastated by domestic violence”, said Ms Logie. “They...
Government ignoring lessons of East Timor when it comes to West Papua
John Key and Murray McCully’s hands-off approach to human rights atrocities in West Papua is in stark contrast to the actions taken by previous New Zealand governments on similar abuses by Indonesia in East Timor, the Green Party said today. While at the Pacific Islands Forum, John Key and Murray McCully have ruled out supporting a fact-finding mission in West Papua, despite evidence from groups such as Human Rights Watch that horrific abuses are happening there. “Over the years, the...
Govt asleep at the wheel in ‘dangerous territory’
The Government’s ideological refusal to properly address the demand side factors is driving the unsustainable Auckland housing market into ‘dangerous territory’ and creating major risks for the economy, the Green Party said. “The Government must tackle the demand side factors driving unsustainable house price inflation – like rampant property speculation – with measures like a proper capital gains tax and restrictions on overseas property investors, but is choosing not to,” Green Party finance spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said. “When the...
Auditor General shows Minister of Primary Industries was wrong to make swamp kauri assurances
The Minister for Primary Industries Nathan Guy was wrong to ever assert that everything was fine and dandy with the mining and export of ancient swamp kauri, the Green Party said today. The Office of the Auditor General has today released a response to a “Request for inquiry into the regulation of the ancient swamp kauri industry”. “The Auditor General found that the Ministry of Primary Industry’s regulation of swamp kauri milling and exports had shortcomings,” said Green Party forestry...
Conservation Minister negligent for allowing proposal for oil drilling in Maui’s dolphin sanctuary
The Conservation Minister is negligent for allowing the Government to propose opening up more of the Maui’s dolphin sanctuary to oil and gas exploration, the Green Party said today. "If National was serious about protecting the critically endangered Maui's dolphins it wouldn't be proposing more oil and gas exploration in the part of the ocean where they live,” said Green Party conservation spokesperson Kevin Hague. Maui’s dolphin sightings from the Department of Conservation’s database mapped onto the area the Government...