Greens back pay transparency open letter
The Green Party supports immediate Government action to close the pay gap as called for in an open letter released today by the Human Rights Commission and 50 other organisations.
Continued strikes show need for bold action
The Green Party backs the demands of thousands of secondary and area school teachers striking today.
Greens welcome waste strategy release and work
The Green Party is today welcoming the release of the Government’s waste strategy, but says it has a big gap without action on the container return scheme for beverage containers.
Mass arrivals legislation a breach of NZ’s values
The Government’s decision to introduce ‘mass arrivals’ legislation goes against the values we all share of Aotearoa as a place where all people are treated fairly, the Green Party says.
Statement from Marama Davidson
On Saturday morning, I was hit by a motorcyclist who struck me at a pedestrian crossing. The person who hit me was part of a convoy of motorcyclists.
National’s education policy gets an F
The Green Party has marked the National Party’s new education policy and given it a fail, especially for its failure to address the underlying drivers of school performance.
Child poverty stats show need for action
The Green Party is calling on the Government to immediately provide more support to families doing it toughest.
Greens ask Auckland MPs across party lines to speak up on Council budget proposals
Auckland Central Green MP, Chlöe Swarbrick, has written to all Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland based Members of Parliament requesting their urgent attention to Auckland Council’s unprecedented slash-and-burn proposals.
IPCC report shows 2023 is a ‘now or never’ climate election
“This is it; 2023 will be the last opportunity New Zealand has to get a government that will confront the climate emergency with the urgency it demands,” says the Green Party’s co-leader and climate change spokesperson, James Shaw.
Green Party co-leader James Shaw's State of the Planet speech, 2023
You will never truly understand, from the pictures you’ve seen in the newspapers or on the six o-clock news, the sheer scale of the devastation wrought by Cyclone Gabrielle.