Green Party looks forward to working with Chris Hipkins
The Green Party welcomes Chris Hipkins as the sole nominee for leader of the Labour Party, and the next Prime Minister of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Greens recognise Prime Minister Ardern’s service
The Green Party is today acknowledging Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s service to Aotearoa.
Green MPs write directly to Grand Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran
Members of Parliament for the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand have today written to Iran’s Grand Ayatollah Khamenei to condemn the ongoing violence and killing of women’s rights and democracy protesters, and to call on him to intervene immediately.
Green MPs sponsor Iranian protests at risk of execution
Green Party MPs have joined politicians from across Europe to sponsor political prisoners detained in Iran during the recent protests - and urges MPs from all political parties to do the same.
Wage boost for school bus drivers welcomed
The Green Party is celebrating a win following the news that the Government will invest in boosting the wages of rural school bus drivers.
Urgent action needed at home following global deal for nature
The Green Party welcomes an historic new global agreement to protect 30% of the planet for nature by the end of the decade and calls on the Government to follow it with immediate action to protect native wildlife.
Summer COVID plan needed
The Green Party has been left wondering if the Government signed off for the summer break before putting in place a COVID plan.
Greens celebrate firefighters agreement
The Green Party is welcoming today’s news that the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union (NZPFU) have voted to ratify the agreement reached with Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ).
Government must stop all new oil and gas exploration
The Green Party are welcoming a pause on all remaining oil and gas exploration, and call on the Government to stop it all together.
BPS constraints risk impacting low income people the most
The Government will constrain itself unnecessarily at Budget 2023 unless it changes the tax system to raise revenue from the wealthiest few which can be used to support people.