
  • National ignores Reserve Bank advice on housing, fuelling house price inflation

    The National Government’s HomeStart package, which starts today, will likely be absorbed into higher margins for developers according to the Reserve Bank, the Green Party said. The Reserve Bank advised the National Government in June 2014 that its package of HomeStart reforms could “result in increased developers’ profit margins” and, over the longer term, “have the potential to add to existing house price pressures in what is a highly overvalued market”. National reduced the size of the final package delivered...
  • Maui's dolphin sighted in new oil block

    The sighting of a Maui’s dolphin in an area the Government has just opened up to oil and gas exploration shows how willing Energy Minister Simon Bridges is to sacrifice the environment for oil, the Green Party said today. The Maui's Sanctuary was created to help protect Maui’s dolphins, but it overlaps with areas the Government has offered up for exploration this week. A Maui’s dolphin, one of only 55 adult individuals remaining, was spotted in one of these areas....
  • Greens welcome Govt agreement to ban cosmetics testing on animals

    After more than a year of campaigning by Green MP Mojo Mathers, the Government has finally agreed to ban cosmetics testing on animals, the Green Party said today. “I’m over the moon that the Government has acknowledged my work on this issue by finally agreeing to ban cosmetics testing on animals,” said Green Party animal welfare spokesperson Mojo Mathers. “I have been working solidly behind the scenes to get this ban through Parliament for some time now. “During the course...
  • "Mean" Govt should drop appeal of decision to pay carers minimum wage

    The Green Party is calling on the Government to drop its mean-spirited move to appeal a court decision that respite carers should be paid at least the minimum wage. The Green Party can reveal that Crown lawyers yesterday lodged an application to appeal against an Employment Court decision that respite carers should be paid at least the minimum wage. Currently these workers are paid a daily amount of just $75. The move comes as the minimum wage for other workers...
  • Govt set to miss first significant deadline on climate target

    The National Government looks set to miss the first UN deadline to submit its emissions reduction target for 2030, the Green Party said today. Mexico, Norway, Switzerland and the European Union’s 28 member states have delivered their ‘intended nationally determined contributions’ (INDCs) to the United Nations (UN) ahead of a March 31 deadline. Switzerland has set a target to reduce 1990 emission levels by 50 percent by 2030. The US is committed to meeting the deadline, and China and the...
  • Ministers exclude NZ’s greenhouse emissions from ‘environment reporting’

    The National Party Government has today revealed that the national environmental report topics for this year will, incredibly, exclude New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions, the Green Party said today. “The topics, vetted by the Minister for the Environment and the Minister for Statistics, are supposed to give New Zealanders a clear picture of the state of our environment, but by omitting greenhouse gas emissions, it conveniently glosses over the problem of New Zealand’s contribution to climate change,” Green Party Co-leader...
  • Green Party welcomes IGIS inquiry into GCSB

    The Green Party is pleased the Inspector General of the Intelligence and Security (IGIS) has confirmed that she will be undertaking an inquiry following a complaint from the Green Party into the actions of the Government Communication Security Bureau (GCSB) in the South Pacific.
  • Govt’s R&D experiment has failed

    The National Government’s research and development (R&D) strategy has failed, with no growth in the proportion of businesses investing in R&D since its first year in office, the Green Party said today. The Statistics NZ Business Operations Survey, released on 20 March 2015, shows that in 2009 eight percent of businesses invested in R&D and that in 2014, the proportion of businesses investing in R&D was still just eight percent. “Steven Joyce’s R&D experiment has clearly failed, with just eight...