Stand-alone health agency needed for Corrections
The Green Party is calling for a stand-alone agency to monitor and provide for prisoners’ health needs. The call for a stand-alone agency comes after a Coroner’s report into the death of a remand prisoner, Jai Davis, at a South Otago jail in 2011. The Coroner expressed concern that the health of the prisoner was not the main priority of Corrections.
Housing should be warm and dry – full stop
State houses should be warm and dry, and not require tenants to beg for more help, the Green Party said today. “John Key’s assertion that those in poor quality state housing should ‘reach out for more help’ mocks the fact that 40,000 children are hospitalised each year with respiratory illnesses that their damp, cold housing has helped cause,” said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei. “People are reaching out for help, and asking to be transferred out of their mouldy, wet...
Green Party supports moves regarding corporate manslaughter
The Green Party supports moves by some within National to institute a corporate manslaughter charge in the Health and Safety Reform Bill. Justice Minister Amy Adams has reportedly brought to Cabinet a suggestion that there be a corporate manslaughter charge included in the Health and Safety Reform Bill. This would mean, for example, that the charge of corporate manslaughter would have been available to those investigating the Pike River tragedy. It could attract substantial penalties and fines.
Govt can improve human health by tackling climate change
The National Government should adopt the recommendations of the Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change, given that the authors say that climate change threatens to unravel the last 50 years of health gains, the Green Party said today. “The National Government needs to stop contributing to the climate change problem and start being part of the solution, in light of the fact that health experts are calling climate change a medical emergency,” said Green Party health spokesperson Kevin Hague. Mr...
Petition demands Landcorp conversions stop to protect water quality
More than 8000 people have asked for a moratorium on state-owned enterprise Landcorp’s conversion of Waikato forestry land to dairy farms, in a petition presented to Parliament by Green MP Catherine Delahunty today. “New Zealanders are very concerned about water quality in our country. More than 66% of our rivers aren’t clean enough to swim in, and a big part of the problem is large scale dairy farming. The 8,102 people who signed the petition are saying Landcorp has got...
Green Party supports Action Station call for Saudi sheep scandal investigation
The New Zealand public deserve to know the full facts behind the Saudi sheep scandal and the only way this will occur is through the Auditor-General investigating the matter, Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said today. The Government has paid $11 million to an influential Saudi businessman to prevent a ‘possible’ lawsuit over a false promise the National Party made to the businessman before they were in Government.
Swamp kauri shambles continues with muddled maths
Further evidence that the Ministry of Primary Industries may have been negligent in its implementation of the Forests Act 1949, including confusing diameter and circumference measurements, means a moratorium on swamp kauri mining and exports is urgent, says the Green Party. “The Green Party has no confidence in the Government and MPI's implementation of the Forests Act, or in its understanding of basic mathematical measurements. An urgent halt to exports is needed while an inquiry is conducted into the chaotic...
Proposed National Environmental Standard could wipe the right of communities to stop GE
The National Government is attempting to remove the right of communities such as Northland, Hawkes Bay and the Bay of Plenty and their councils from controlling the release of genetically engineered trees in their regions. “The proposed National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry (NES-PF) aims to replace existing plan rules for many plantation forestry activities,” Green Party forestry spokesperson Steffan Browning said. “Increasing numbers of councils, in response to their ratepayers and businesses, are including precautionary provisions or controls for...
Key’s comments expose Saudi sheep scandal
After weeks of misleading statements, it’s time the Government comes clean about the Saudi sheep scandal, the Green Party said today. “It’s clear that Murray McCully and John Key knew the supposed legal threat was completely empty all along. But they still used this empty legal threat to justify spending $11.5 million on establishing a sheep farm in a Saudi desert,” Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said. “We need the truth about whether Foreign Minister Murray McCully deliberately mislead Parliament...
Pope calls for Government action on climate change
The Pope’s unprecedented call for genuine action on climate change by governments highlights the National Government’s failure to reduce New Zealand’s net greenhouse gas emissions, the Green Party said today. “The Pope warns of Governments who mask the problem of climate change rather than implementing genuine solutions, a criticism that speaks to the heart of the National Government’s actions,” Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said today. The papal encyclical, released overnight, says: “Many of those who possess more resources and...