Green Party a strong opposition to divisive government
The Green Party will keep up the fight for an Aotearoa that works for everyone.
Waka Kotahi miss the boat on community needs for Waiheke ferry services
Auckland Central Green MP, Chlöe Swarbrick, this morning received a long awaited OIA with official advice and consultants’ reports on whether to regulate the Waiheke ferry service.
Greens back striking teachers
The Green Party stands with ECE teachers striking for better funding and conditions.
Greens celebrate historic election result
The Green Party is today celebrating its biggest election result ever.
Green Party statement on the violence in Israel and Gaza
The Green Party is deeply concerned about the unprecedented escalation of violence in Israel and Gaza.
Go and vote for our future
Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and James Shaw are today wrapping up a campaign that has sought to inspire hope, rather than fear, and that has focused on thoroughly thought through, long-term policy, rather than soundbites.
Only the Green Party will make life better for renters
Green Party co leader Marama Davidson spoke at a Fair Rents rally at the University of Auckland today.
Greens welcome new marine reserves for South East Otago
The Green Party is today welcoming the Government’s announcement that there will be six new marine reserves on the South East Otago coast.
Only the Green Party will build houses at the scale Aotearoa needs
Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson is visiting The Commons Project at Housing First Ōtautahi, which helps vulnerable whānau connect and engage with services.
Let’s vote for the Aotearoa we deserve
The Future is Up to Us released today by the Green Party is a clear vision of the future we can build together.