
  • Green Party to lodge official complaints

    The Green Party is today lodging a series of complaints with the Police, Parliamentary Service, the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security and the Privacy Commissioner after revelations in Nicky Hager’s new book that alleges corruption and abuse of power. The Green Party will today lodge complaints with: Parliamentary Service over John Key’s senior advisor Jason Ede’s alleged involvement in inappropriately supplying confidential information to blogger Cameron Slater Police over the possibility that officials working for Mr Key corruptly used or...
  • New multi-million dollar bill for taxpayers under failed ETS

    New figures showing taxpayers forked out nearly $6 million in the last year on free pollution permits to Rio Tinto show the emissions trading scheme (ETS) must go, the Green Party said today. According to the figures, the number of free New Zealand Units (NZUs) allocated to New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Ltd (part of Rio Tinto Alcan) under the ETS jumped from 300,000 in 2012 to over 1.5 million in 2013. At today's spot NZU price of $3.90, that amounts...