Green Party promises free dental for all
The Green Party is today promising to make dental care free for everyone in Aotearoa.
The time is now to strike anti-Pacific racism from New Zealand law
A Green Party member’s bill pulled from the ballot today would strike an anti-Pacific racist law from the country’s books and help heal the wrongs of the past.
Greens urge Govt to prioritise voices of residents in review
The Green Party is welcoming a review announced today of the Retirement Villages Act, and is urging the Government to make sure voices and rights of residents are emphasised more than industry.
You *wood* not believe it: Greens secure win for urban trees
The Green Party’s advocacy has secured an amendment to the Natural and Built Environment Bill at a crucial stage of the Parliamentary process to ensure the Government provides national direction on protecting urban trees.
It’s official! The Green Party the only grown-ups in the room on public transport
People are tired of the three yearly public transport merry-go-round. It literally doesn’t get anyone anywhere.
National’s transport policy rehash of failed ideas
The National Party's visionless obsession with highways is the exact opposite of the smart investment Aotearoa needs in zero-emissions transport infrastructure - and shows precisely why they are not fit to govern.
Green Party launches bill to protect marine mammals
The Green Party has today lodged a members bill that will ensure greater protection of marine mammals.
Labour must deliver on No New Mines
The Green Party is disappointed tonight that the Government has voted down Eugenie Sage’s members’ bill to stop new mining on conservation land. The time is now for a government that takes conservation seriously.
Green Party launches Rental WOF Bill
The Green Party has today placed a Rental Warrant of Fitness Bill in the Member’s Ballot.
Tell us the tooth: Green Party asks Aotearoa to tell their dental care stories
The Green Party are today launching a campaign asking for people to submit their stories of what it’s really like taking care of your oral health in Aotearoa.