GDP figures show why Greens’ Income Guarantee is essential
As today’s GDP figures show that Aotearoa is in a technical recession, it’s clearer than ever that Aotearoa needs the Green Party’s Income Guarantee.
Greens' Income Guarantee is needed more than ever
Continued rising food prices shows exactly why Aotearoa needs the Green Party’s Income Guarantee.
Ending Poverty Together - James Shaw Speech
The mark of a civilised society should be that - at the very least - everyone has a warm place to call home and food on the table.
Green Party’s new Income Guarantee for every New Zealander
The Green Party has today announced a new Income Guarantee for every New Zealander.
Greens welcome Government joining the party to deal with disposable vapes
The Green Party are welcoming the Government’s announcement of regulations to curb youth vaping.
Greens launch rental stories campaign
The Green Party are today launching a campaign asking for people to submit their stories of subpar, substandard and downright awful experiences of renting in Aotearoa.
Greens call for cross-party support on electoral reform
The Green Party is welcoming the draft report of the Independent Electoral Review and challenging all political parties to commit to implementing its final recommendations after the 2023 general election.
Greens back striking secondary teachers
The Green Party backs secondary teachers resuming strike action.
National’s backtrack forces another visionless, shambolic policy
The National Party has released another confused and rushed policy that will only further worsen the inequality that is driven by unaffordable housing.
We don’t need to engineer a recession, Government can tax wealth
The Green Party is calling on the Government to take responsibility for reducing inflation by taxing wealth instead of leaving RBNZ to continue hiking the Official Cash Rate.