Change the tax system to support struggling households
While inflation is no longer increasing, the current rate will still bring little comfort to families struggling to make ends meet, says the Green Party.
Greens urge all political parties to support amendment to ban big pharma ads
The Green Party plans to table an amendment to the Therapeutic Products Bill to ban direct to consumer advertising for prescription medicines.
Green Party releases policy to return land to Māori
The time is now to be bold and make sure land wrongly taken from Māori is returned.
Marama Davidson's Speech at the Green Party 2023 Campaign Launch
E mihi ana ki te rangi. E mihi ana ki te whenua. E mihi ana ki ngā maunga. Me ngā wai horapa nei o tēnei whenua. Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.
Food prices another clear example of why tax changes are urgent
Rising food prices show exactly why now is the time to shake up the tax system and raise the money we need to lift every family out of poverty.
Fair tax changes never more urgent
Labour is sending a clear message to New Zealanders that the Green Party is the only way we will get progressive change.
Government must ban dawn raids and grant amnesty
The Green Party is calling on the Government to follow up words with actions, and ban the practice of dawn raids and provide an amnesty to all overstayers.
Green Party launches vision for the next government
The Green Party has launched its manifesto for the 2023 election.
Marama Davidson’s Speech to Green Party AGM 2023
Every year, our job of caring for Papatūānuku so she is thriving in her own right, and for the wellbeing of seven generations ahead - that mahi moves forward. And it moves forward with all of you.
Green Party AGM 2023: James Shaw’s Speech
A few days ago, on Tuesday 4th July, it was the hottest day anyone had ever recorded on planet earth.