Green Party launches plan to boost ICT and create jobs
The Green Party has today launched a $30 million plan to boost New Zealand's ICT sector, create jobs and drive innovation.
Greens recommit to cross-party work to eliminate child poverty
The Green Party today recommitted to working with all other political parties on a cross-parliament plan to eliminate child poverty in New Zealand. The Child Poverty Action Group today launched its major policy paper of the election Our Children, our Choice: Priorities for Policy, which calls for cross party political agreement on an action plan to on child poverty. “The Green Party is the only major party committed to ending child poverty,” Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said. “We have...
Public option for KiwiSaver will keep fees low
A public option for KiwiSaver will reduce fees, saving KiwiSavers tens of thousands of dollars over the lifetime of their investment, the Green Party said today. KiwiSaver research company Canstar released a report today showing KiwiSaver fees are rising faster than inflation. Canstar says a few dollars in fee savings can add up to a substantial difference over the life of an investment, and your retirement savings. "The Green Party is going to add value to people's KiwiSaver scheme by...
National’s fiscals reveal big cuts to health and education
National’s own fiscals confirm it plans big cuts to health and education, the Green Party said today. “National’s fiscals confirm the Green Party’s and BERL’s independent analysis that there will be sizeable cuts to health and education services,” Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman said today. “National will be cutting the education and health budgets by $1.5 billion which is around the size it plans to allocate for tax cuts, if they ever come. “With less than two weeks to go...
Greens to make major $115 million a year funding boost to inclusive education
The Green Party today announced a major $115 million a year package of support for special education services in schools, including a doubling of the number of children who can access the highest levels of support and more help for pre-school children. The package is the latest spoke in the Green Party’s school hubs plan which delivers the health and social support kids need onsite at school, and is a key component of the Green Party’s election plan to stop...
National's fiscals in disarray
Two weeks out from the election, the National Party is in disarray over their fiscals and can't explain what their tax policy is, says the Green Party. "National's economic plan for the election is a mess. John Key and Bill English can't even say what level of tax cuts they will offer in three years' time or who will even get them," said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman. "National are hypocritical. They attacked the clearly set out and detailed...
Green Party to invest $500m in Wellington transport
The Green Party will invest half a billion dollars over five years upgrading Wellington's public transport and walking and cycling infrastructure. The policy is part of the Green Party's vision for a vibrant, people-friendly Wellington with carbon-free public transport, and part of the Party's broader plan for a cleaner, smarter New Zealand. The Fast Tracking Wellington plan includes: A modern light rail network from the railway station to Newtown and Kilbirnie at a cost of $450 million, with extensions to...
Scrapping RMA and OIO would undermine New Zealand dream
“It would appear that the price of the Epsom deal and a National ACT Government is the open slather sale of New Zealand to overseas buyers and unchecked environment degradation,” Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today. “The RMA is a land mark piece of legislation that protects our environment. A National Act Government will undermine those protections and in the process not only destroy the environment but our economy. “It would seem if voters in Epsom vote for...
Green Party launches Smart Farming for Clean Rivers policy
The Green Party today launched its Smart farming for Clean Rivers policy- the final component of its election pledge to make all New Zealand rivers clean enough to swim in.
Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf endangered by river pollution
The Green Party will clean up rivers so that pollution from the Firth of Thames does not go on to pollute the Hauraki Gulf.