New Green’s leader calls on PM to talk over climate change
New Green Party Co-leader James Shaw has challenged John Key to find common ground over climate change, in his inaugural speech at the Green Party’s AGM today.
Government needs to know what’s worth saving
The Green Party is calling on all New Zealanders to implore the Government that action on climate change is imperative to save our economy, environment and way of life.
Greens moving forward and setting agenda
Green’s Co-leader Metiria Turei has kicked off the Party’s AGM in Auckland with a speech celebrating the achievements of the past year and claiming credit for some recent political wins.
Greens moving forward and setting agenda
Green’s Co-leader Metiria Turei has kicked off the Party’s AGM in Auckland with a speech celebrating the achievements of the past year and claiming credit for some recent political wins.
Green Party asks Auditor General to investigate Saudi sheep pay-off
The Green Party has asked the Office of the Auditor General to investigate the pay-offs given to a disgruntled Saudi businessman by the Government.
NZ’s environment once again at risk from seabed prospectors
The Government should immediately implement a moratorium on seabed mining, the Green Party said today. The Green Party is responding to the news that Trans-Tasman Resources has applied to New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals for a 4,436km2 Prospecting Permit offshore along the West Coast of the South Island.
Government won’t act to protect Kiwi kids from pesticide residues in food
The Government must show it’s on the side of New Zealand babies and toddlers and their parents, rather than big-business food companies, and put in place better testing and regulation of pesticide residue levels in children’s food, the Green Party said today. The Green Party’s call comes in the wake of a Primary Production Select Committee report into allegations that there are unacceptably high levels of pesticides in baby food sold in New Zealand, and a demand for regulations in...
Norway moves first to dump coal investments
The Green Party today called on the Government to secure cross-party support to sell its investments in coal mining companies. The Norwegian Parliament’s finance committee agreed in a bipartisan motion yesterday to instruct the $1.2 trillion Government Pension Fund to sell its stakes in companies that generate more than 30 percent of their output or revenues from coal-related activities. “Coal has no future in our economy if we want a future free of runaway climate change,” said Green Party Co-leader...
Judith Collins puts workers’ lives at risk
Judith Collins’ backbench machinations in “her” caucus are putting workers’ lives at risk, the Green Party said. “National’s backdown on health and safety legislation shows that the Government is putting the interests of business owners in the forestry, agriculture, and fisheries industries ahead of workers’ safety on the job,” Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Denise Roche said. “Judith Collins’ successful backbench manoeuvring to delay and weaken vital workplace health and safety legislation shows that cracks are appearing in the National...
Dairy price drop means Landcorp must stop dairy conversions
Today’s cut to Fonterra’s forecast farmgate milk price means that government-owned Landcorp must stop converting forests to dairy farms or risk doing serious damage to the rural economy, the Green Party said. “Landcorp needs to stop the dairy conversions until they can show how undertaking more conversions stacks up economically in the face of the lower forecast milk price. All the information that we’ve seen so far suggests that, in fact, dairy conversions may be hurting other farmers financially,” Green...