Another report highlights Govt failure on child poverty
An international report measuring the impact of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) on child poverty rates, showing children in New Zealand have done worse than children in other countries, is further proof the Government needs to urgently take additional steps to reduce poverty rates here, the Green Party says. UNICEF’S latest report, Children of the Recession. The impact of the economic crisis on child well-being in rich countries, shows that New Zealand children’s welfare went backwards on three of the...
Bartlett case means Govt must act on equal pay
The Court of Appeal victory for Lower Hutt caregiver, Kristine Bartlett demonstrates that both the Government and employers have been ignoring and not fully implementing equal pay law, the Green Party said today. The Court of Appeal today upheld earlier rulings which supported the Service and Food Workers Union view that Ms Bartlett is entitled to use the equal pay act to argue for a rate of pay equal to what those working in the same occupation would receive if...
National’s failed commodities export strategy exposed
National’s strategy to rely on commodities such as milk powder and logs has been exposed in the September trade figures released today, the Green Party said. “National’s strategy to hang all economic hope on exporting ever-increasing volumes of milk powder and logs, is shown to be misguided,” Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today. Statistics New Zealand (SNZ) reported the values of total exports fell 3.0 percent in the September quarter, following a 7.5 percent fall in the June...
Power price rises more than double the inflation rate
Power prices have risen at more than double the inflation rate since National took office, showing National’s hands-off approach to the electricity market is a failure, the Green Party said today. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose just 1.0 percent in the year to September while power prices rose 3.7 percent. Since December 2008, when National took office, power prices have risen 24.6 percent and the CPI has risen 11.8 percent. "New Zealanders know that our electricity market is not...
Green Party expresses sympathy for Canadian shooting victims
The Green Party expressed its solidarity with Canadians and the Canadian Parliament today, offering its sympathy for family and friends of the soldier killed in the attack.
EPA finds Shell Oil illegally drilled two wells
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has concluded that Shell Todd Oil Services (STOS) broke the law by drilling two wells without a marine consent off the coast of Taranaki, the Green Party said today.
Aucklanders’ train use shows they need City Rail Link now
News that Aucklanders overtook Wellingtonians as the biggest train users is further evidence the Government needs to start work on the Auckland City Rail Link now, the Green Party said today. Auckland Transport said today that in the year to September, Aucklanders took 12 million train trips against the 11.9 million taken in Wellington. It said 5,000 more Aucklanders were taking the train daily per day than in March. When the Britomart Transport Centre opened in 2003, just 2.5 million...
Key either incompetent or misleading over war coalition meeting
Analysis released by the Green Party shows multiple international news organisations were reporting on United States President Barack Obama’s attendance at an ISIS war coalition meeting at Andrews Air Force Base up to twelve hours before the meeting started.
Metiria Turei to lead fight on feeding hungry children
Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei is urging all political parties to support the Feed the Kids Bill which she inherited today from Mana leader Hone Harawira.
New Analysis show Government cut tertiary education funding
New analysis done by the Green Party today shows the Government has made cuts to funding of tertiary education since 2008.