
  • Govt cheating iwi, first-home buyers and our legal system

    The Government must honour Treaty settlements and allow Ngati Whatua, Tainui and other iwi first right of refusal on Crown-owned land, rather than trying to please its property developer mates, the Green Party said today. “What a complete and utter shambles ­– the Government is cheating iwi, young Aucklanders who are desperate to buy their own homes and our legal system,” Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today. “John Key, Nick Smith and Bill English are the fairy godfathers of...
  • CEO pay shows entrenched inequality

    Ten percent pay rises for CEOs are evidence of an economy based on entrenched inequality, the Green Party said today, following the release of The New Zealand Herald’s executive pay survey. “Most ordinary working New Zealanders would have been lucky to get a two or three percent pay rise in 2014, but CEOs are getting ten percent or more,” Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Denise Roche said. “These CEO pay figures show how normalised such extreme inequality has become. It...
  • Green Party launches climate change test bill

    All new legislation would get put to the ‘climate change test’ under a new Members Bill launched by the Green Party today at the Federation of Asia-Pacific Green Parties Congress in Wellington. The Climate Impact Disclosure Statement Bill will require all new legislation introduced to Parliament to be accompanied by a Climate Impact Disclosure Statement that outlines what impact, if any, the new legislation would be likely to have on New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Greens release climate snapshot of the Asia-Pacific region

    The Green Party today released a climate change snapshot of the Asia-Pacific region which highlights that the region is home to the countries with the highest greenhouse gas emissions and the countries that will be most impacted by climate change. The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand released its snapshot report at the Asia-Pacific Greens Federation Congress in Wellington today. In attendance were representatives from Green parties from the Asia-Pacific region including Australia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Pakistan,...
  • New report demands transport rethink from Govt

    New research from the NZTA shows that the Government needs to rethink its transport spending priorities, the Green Party said today. “It’s crystal clear that people want fast, affordable, and efficient public transport, but the Government continues to pour billions into a few expensive highways instead,” Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said. The NZTA’s Public Transport and the Next Generation report shows that transport patterns and choices are fundamentally changing: young people already use public transport more than...
  • Town Hall decision a victory for Christchurch and democracy

    The decision to restore Christchurch’s Town Hall is a victory for the people of Christchurch and a validation of their democratic rights, the Green Party said today. “Since the earthquakes, Cantabrians have become all too used to Government-appointed bureaucrats making decisions without any real mandate, and without hearing the public’s concerns or heeding their wishes,” said Green Party Christchurch issues spokesperson Eugenie Sage. “By voting to restore the Town Hall, rather than bowl it, the Council has listened to the...
  • Leaks prove Pharmac under threat from TPPA

    The latest Wikileaks documents prove the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is a threat to Pharmac, and New Zealanders access to affordable medicine, the Green Party said today. The leaked documents include a series of principles and procedures by which agencies like Pharmac must operate. These procedures are designed to let the pharmaceutical industry challenge Pharmac’s decision-making process, rendering Pharmac less effective at saving money.
  • Government’s live animal exports policy in tatters

    Revelations that 50,000 live sheep are being shipped to Mexico highlights massive inconsistencies in the Government’s live animal export policy says the Green Party.Revelations that 50,000 live sheep are being shipped to Mexico highlights massive inconsistencies in the Government’s live animal export policy says the Green Party.
  • Ball back in Govt’s court to fix Auckland housing crisis

    The decision to cut the Official Cash Rate today is the right one but will add fuel to Auckland’s rapidly rising house prices unless central government acts swiftly and smartly, the Green Party said today. The Reserve Bank Governor reduced the Official Cash Rate (OCR) by 25 basis points to 3.25 percent today citing low and falling inflation, an overvalued exchange rate, and subdued wage inflation expectations as the reasons for the cut.  “Graeme Wheeler has finally done the right...