National MP caught misleading on TPPA
National Party MPs are continuing to mislead the New Zealand public, claiming they will be able to have input into the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) once it is signed. “Backbench MP Shane Reti was today caught out trying to tell Northlanders that the TPPA comes before Parliament to be debated and modified – something that is blatantly not true,” said Green Party Trade spokesperson Dr Russel Norman. “Steven Joyce had to correct a similarly untrue statement in Parliament in...
High Court Basin flyover decision the right one
The Green Party is delighted the Basin Reserve flyover will not be going ahead after a ruling by the High Court today. “The Green Party is very happy with the decision by the High Court today dismissing the appeal over the Basin Reserve flyover,” said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter. “The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) should not have taken the decision to court in the first place after the Environmental Protection Agency made a rational transport decision....
Supporting smart jobs and exports isn't a game
The Green Party is calling on the Government to let the computer game development industry access incentives already available to the screen production industry, following new information from the New Zealand Game Developers Association that suggests growth in the gaming industry is constrained by a lack of Government support. “Unless the Government provides an equal playing field with the movie industry, new gaming companies and high-value projects are likely to dry up,” Green Party information and communications technology spokesperson Gareth...
Govt could save kids’ lives with rentals’ WoF
The Government’s refusal to set minimum warrant of fitness standards for rental homes is causing Kiwi kids to get sick, the Green Party said today.
National’s 30-year plan 30 years out of date
National’s 30-year infrastructure plan fails to address the biggest long-term challenge our economy faces – responding to climate change, the Green Party said today. The National Government today released a document called The Thirty Year New Zealand Infrastructure Plan. “While we strongly support long-term thinking around infrastructure planning and spending, by relegating climate change, National’s infrastructure plan is already out-of-date,” said Green Party finance spokesperson Julie Anne Genter. “In thirty years’ time, New Zealand’s economy will need to be low...
Green Party initiates inquiry into education special needs
The Green Party has initiated a Parliamentary Inquiry into dyslexia, dyspraxia, and autism spectrum disorders in schools in New Zealand. Following a request from the Green Party, the Education and Science Select Committee has today agreed to investigate the identification of and support for students facing the significant challenges of dyslexia, dyspraxia, and autism spectrum disorders. “So many students are missing out on education because their learning differences are not identified early enough and help is not made available. We...
Greens urge Government MPs to support Health and Safety Bill amendments
Today’s vote on the Health and Safety Reform Bill is the Government’s last chance to show it has a genuine commitment to promoting workplace health and safety, the Green Party says. “The National Party’s snubbing of yesterday evening’s gathering at Parliament of families of workers who had died on the job, including those from Pike River, was shameful,” said Green Party Workplace Relations and Safety spokesperson Denise Roche. “However, today the Government has the opportunity to make amends by supporting...
Threat of more foreign banks means stronger Kiwibank needed
The Government needs to strengthen Kiwibank or face the risk of another foreign-owned bank entering our market and sending its profits offshore, the Green Party said. PwC’s New Zealand Banking Perspectives report predicts that another major foreign-owned bank may decide to set up in New Zealand, citing room for greater competition due to high profitability. The report also shows that bank profits rose to $2.37 billion in the first half of 2015. “The Government should strengthen Kiwibank and allow it...
PM must stand down McCully to protect NZ’s reputation
John Key should protect New Zealand’s international reputation by standing down Murray McCully while his role in the Saudi sheep saga is investigated by the Auditor-General, the Green Party said today. “It’s embarrassing that Murray McCully is representing New Zealand on the international stage while he’s under investigation for the role he played in these very dodgy dealings,” said Green Party Co-leader James Shaw “Keeping Murray McCully on duty overseas may help protect him from having to answer to the...
Landcorp farms must stay in NZ hands
The Government must rule out mass sales of Landcorp’s 137 farms to overseas interests, following suggestions that the state-owned farmer is under pressure from the falling dairy price, the Green Party said. “The Government needs to rule out sales of Landcorp’s farms to overseas interests, especially given that 5 percent of New Zealand’s agricultural land has been sold to offshore buyers in the last five years alone,” Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said. “The Government’s hands-off approach to SOE management...