Yes we can! Green climate plan shows 40% target by 2030 is achievable
The Green Party has launched a climate plan today showing it’s possible for the Government to set a much more ambitious emissions reduction target that New Zealanders can be proud of.
Animal health at stake if HT swede sales continue
The Green Party is calling for herbicide tolerant (HT) swedes to be removed from sale after a Dairy NZ report today confirmed high levels of toxins in the swedes have led to cows dying. “Dairy NZ are telling farmers to stop feeding HT swedes to cows in spring when the animals are in late pregnancy or early lactation, but we want to see the use of HT swedes stop altogether,” said Green Party GE spokesperson Steffan Browning. “HT swedes have...
Govt must not backpedal on cycle safety
The Green Party is calling on the Government to follow through with a recommendation from the Cycling Safety Panel to protect people who cycle with mandatory safe passing distances. “It’s vital that the Government follows through on the Cycling Safety Panel’s recommendation for mandatory safe passing distances to protect people who cycle,” Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said. “It’s good to see practical solutions recommended like different safe passing distances for low speed and high speed roads. “The...
PM must ensure NZ takes in full 825 refugee allocation
The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister to guarantee that the refugee quota will be filled to the maximum this year in light of the growing crisis around the world.
Coromandel says No Way to TPPA
John Key must listen to the people of Coromandel and walk away from the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) negotiations because of the power the TPPA could give overseas corporations like Oceana Gold over the New Zealand Government, the Green Party said. “Oceana Gold, which is buying the Waihi Gold Mine, is already suing the El Salvador government for $470 million and if New Zealand signs up to the TPPA, we could be next,” Green Party Coromandel-based MP Catherine Delahunty...
Protect bees from pesticides this spring
The Green Party is encouraging gardeners to use untreated seed for their spring planting to protect bees from pesticides this September, which is Bee Aware Month. A group of pesticides known as neonicotinoids have been implicated as one cause of declining bee populations. Seeds are frequently treated with neonicotinoids to kill soil plant pests but get taken up in plants right through to the flowers. “By treating seed with neonicotinoids, manufacturers put bees at risk,” said Green Party pesticide spokesperson...
John Key once again wrong on refugee numbers
John Key has once again been caught overstating how many refugees New Zealand has accepted under his Government.
National’s empty economic complacency failing today and for the future
New data that shows slowing economic activity and record low business confidence confirms that National’s brand of complacent economic management and protecting the status quo isn’t working, the Green Party said. The Treasury’s Monthly Economic Indicators, released today, show GDP growth falling to around 2 percent and job creation slowing. ANZ’s business confidence survey shows the lowest level of confidence since 2009. “With economic activity slowing, unemployment rising, and business confidence at its lowest since the Global Financial Crisis, it’s...
Kiwis lose $871 million from power company privatisations
New analysis of the financial statements of Genesis, Mighty River Power, and Meridian released by the Green Party today shows that National’s partial privatisation of power companies has cost New Zealand taxpayers $871 million, the Green Party said. “The latest data shows that National’s sale of 49 percent of shares in the power companies was a massive transfer of wealth from the people of New Zealand to a few select investors, many who live overseas,” Green Party energy spokesperson Gareth...
Ihumatao should be protected
Housing Minister Nick Smith should revoke the approval for parts of a new Special Housing Area in Auckland which some local iwi say is unacceptably close to waahi tapu, the Green Party said. “Auckland Council have given the go ahead for houses to be built despite serious local concerns about the land being close to waahi tapu,” Green Party Co-Leader Metiria Tūrei said today. “This land is not critical to Auckland’s housing needs, and has significant cultural heritage value. “The...