
  • PM must stand down McCully to protect NZ’s reputation

    John Key should protect New Zealand’s international reputation by standing down Murray McCully while his role in the Saudi sheep saga is investigated by the Auditor-General, the Green Party said today. “It’s embarrassing that Murray McCully is representing New Zealand on the international stage while he’s under investigation for the role he played in these very dodgy dealings,” said Green Party Co-leader James Shaw “Keeping Murray McCully on duty overseas may help protect him from having to answer to the...
  • Landcorp farms must stay in NZ hands

    The Government must rule out mass sales of Landcorp’s 137 farms to overseas interests, following suggestions that the state-owned farmer is under pressure from the falling dairy price, the Green Party said. “The Government needs to rule out sales of Landcorp’s farms to overseas interests, especially given that 5 percent of New Zealand’s agricultural land has been sold to offshore buyers in the last five years alone,” Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said. “The Government’s hands-off approach to SOE management...
  • Health Minister misled Select Committee over Pharmac funding

    Jonathan Coleman misled a health Select Committee in June when he claimed that Pharmac was happy to work within the Government’s flat-line funding of the drug-buying agency, the Green Party revealed today. “We’ve learned today that, in fact, Pharmac had asked the Government for an extra $11 million for its combined pharmaceutical budget so it could invest in new drug treatments for sick Kiwis,” said Green Party health spokesperson Kevin Hague. “Instead, it was given a $5 million increase, which...
  • Govt must keep Lochinver Kiwi

    The National Government must not allow one of New Zealand’s largest, most productive farms – Lochinver Station – to fall into foreign ownership, the Green Party said today. Offshore company Shanghai Pengxin has confirmed that it is aiming to buy the $70+ million Lochinver Station in the central North Island, which would be the second-largest foreign purchase of New Zealand land. The sale is currently awaiting approval from Government ministers. Shanghai Pengxin previously bought the 7,900 hectare Crafar farms. “National...
  • Pre-paid power parity needed

    The Green Party is calling on all power companies to follow Contact’s lead and equalise pre-paid power prices with post-paid prices. “All power companies should follow Contact’s lead and drop their pre-paid rates to be in line with post-paid prices,” Green Party energy spokesperson Gareth Hughes said. “It’s good to see power companies like Contact and Mighty River Power responding to repeated calls from the Green Party to treat pre-paid and post-paid customers fairly. “We know that some of our...
  • Govt being left behind on clean energy transition

    The Green Party is calling on the Government to set a goal of 100 percent renewable electricity generation or risk being left behind as industry leads the transition from dirty fossil fuel electricity generation to clean renewable power, the Green Party said today. “The Government’s fossil fuel-focused energy strategy is looking out of touch and out of date following Contact’s announcement it is closing the Otahuhu B gas plant and Genesis’ announcement it will close the Huntly coal plant,” Green...
  • Government needs to get its story straight on Landcorp

    Prime Minister John Key and Finance Minister Bill English need to get their stories straight over Landcorp’s large scale dairy conversions, the Green Party said today. While Mr English said on Saturday that the Government is “uncomfortable”  with the extent of Landcorp’s plans to add another 29,500 cows to the upper Waikato farms it is converting from forestry, Mr Key said this morning that Landcorp’s plans were not a matter for Ministers to concern themselves with. “The Green Party are...
  • Overseas ownership undermining economic sovereignty

    New Zealand’s ability to add value to primary products and develop our economy is being undermined by selling land and productive assets offshore, the Green Party said. KPMG’s Foreign Direct Investment in New Zealand report shows that the ownership of primary industries is increasingly being sold offshore. “It’s very difficult for the New Zealand government to promote a strategy of adding value to our primary products when New Zealanders are steadily losing ownership of land, forests, and productive assets in...
  • Govt should abandon state-house sell-off

    The Green Party is calling on the Government to go back to the drawing board on state housing, following Bill English’s admission that he’s now looking at leasing the houses out because there’s little interest from community groups in buying them. “Bill English was banking on there being lots of interest in buying these properties and now that he’s been proved wrong, he’s trying to make do by offering to lease them out to whoever’s interested,” said Green Party Co-leader...
  • ​Hekia Parata has broken her word

    Hekia Parata has broken her word not to open another round of charter school applications this year, the Green Party said today. Under questioning from the Green Party in February, Hekia Parata was asked if she was planning another round of charter school applications this year, her reply was a categoric “No”. The Government announced this morning that there is to be a third charter school application round opening today. “It defies belief that the Government would plough ahead with another...