State of the Planet: Government must be guided by values not money
Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and Chlöe Swarbrick have used their State of the Planet speeches to challenge the Government to prioritise people and planet over profit as the delivery of the Budget approaches.
No-cause evictions leave no hope for renters
The Government’s introduction of legislation that would enable landlords to end tenancies with no reason marks a dark day for the 1.4 million people who rent their home in Aotearoa.
Government ignorant of evidence in neglect of tamariki
Today’s justification from the Minister for Children for scrapping protections for our tamariki was either a case of ignorance or deliberate deception.
Gang policy setting communities up for failure
The Green Party says the Government’s misguided policy on gangs will fail, following the announcement of the establishment of a national gang unit and district gang disruption units to target gang activities.
Charter schools not a serious solution
We need serious investment and solutions into our education system, not a vanity project from David Seymour.
Roads over everything else will cost people and planet
This morning’s announcement from the Minister of Transport highlights his lack of ideas and lack of appetite to confront the climate crisis.
Greens welcome cross-party approach to climate adaptation
The Green Party is welcoming Climate Change Minister Simon Watts’ continuation of Hon. James Shaw’s cross-party work on climate adaptation, now in the form of a Finance and Expenditure Committee Inquiry.
Government shows allergy to evidence in benefits crackdown
The Government has been caught in opposition to evidence once again as it looks to usher in tried, tested and failed work seminar obligations for job-seeking beneficiaries.
Minister of Finance reheats austerity politics
This morning’s pre-Budget speech from the Minister of Finance offered no “meaningful” news on the Government’s trickle-down economics based plans.
A win for Wellington - Greens welcome more housing
The Green Party is welcoming the announcement by the Minister Responsible for RMA Reform Chris Bishop to approve most of the Wellington City Council’s District Plan recommendations.