Key either incompetent or misleading over war coalition meeting
Analysis released by the Green Party shows multiple international news organisations were reporting on United States President Barack Obama’s attendance at an ISIS war coalition meeting at Andrews Air Force Base up to twelve hours before the meeting started.
Metiria Turei to lead fight on feeding hungry children
Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei is urging all political parties to support the Feed the Kids Bill which she inherited today from Mana leader Hone Harawira.
New Analysis show Government cut tertiary education funding
New analysis done by the Green Party today shows the Government has made cuts to funding of tertiary education since 2008.
Refreshed Green Party portfolios reflect emphasis on big issues
The Green Party has today begun the new Parliamentary term with a refreshed caucus and portfolio list focussed around leading on the two most important issues facing New Zealand and the world – Inequality and Climate Change.
NZ has opportunity on UN Security Council
New Zealand has an opportunity to make a major contribution to the strengthening of international law and institutional capacity through its upcoming two-year tenure on the United Nations Security Council, Green Party spokesperson on global affairs, Dr Kennedy Graham said today.
Treasury officials should try working without food
The Green Party is challenging Treasury officials to work for a week without eating properly, in light of their advice to Government that a food in schools programme is not needed.
National needs to commit to making NZ workers safe
The National Government must do more to help make New Zealand workplaces a safer place to work in, Green Party industrial relations spokesperson Denise Roche said today.
National must end ideological opposition to raising income
If John Key is serious about tackling child poverty he must approach it with an open mind, and overcome his ideological block to raising incomes as a solution, the Green Party said today. Papers released to Radio New Zealand today show that officials' advice to Government Ministers is that raising incomes was "positively associated with virtually every aspects of child wellbeing that is measured". The advice was to inform Ministers' response to the solutions recommended by the Children's Commissioners' Expert...
Green Party calls for consultation over terrorism law changes
The Green Party has today written to the Prime Minister asking him to engage in wider consultation prior to changing any laws as a result of the recently announced terrorism law reviews, said the Green Party today.
John Key dishonest about reasons for wanting to change terrorism law
John Key is misleading the public to push through terrorism law changes under urgency, the Green Party said today.