
  • Merkel’s visit highlights our embarrassing record on climate

    The Green Party is calling on John Key to emulate Germany’s record on addressing climate change, on the eve of the visit by Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel. Germany has adopted smart economic measures to address climate change resulting in a 24 percent reduction in net emissions since 1990. New Zealand’s net emissions have increased by 88 percent over the same time period. “John Key likes to have his picture taken standing alongside global leaders yet is failing to show true...
  • National’s promised surplus looking doubtful

    Budget figures for the first quarter of the financial year released today by Treasury show the Government’s goal of achieving a budget surplus is looking doubtful, the Green Party said today. “National has staked its credibility on achieving a budget surplus this year, but even that limited goal is looking increasingly dubious,” Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman said today. Treasury said today the operating budget deficit for the first three months of the financial year was $725 million, $79...
  • Spy laws trumping human rights

    Basic human rights of New Zealanders are taking a backseat under the National Government’s proposed new spy laws, the Green Party said today.
  • Meridian moves to kill competition from solar homes

    Big electricity companies are using their power to make it harder for families and businesses wanting to go solar and the National Government is doing nothing to help them, the Green Party said today. Meridian Energy announced today a 60-72 percent cut in the rate it buys excess solar from homes and businesses. Meridian’s current buy-back rates are 25 cents for the first 5 kWh per day and 10 cents thereafter. The new rates will be 7 cents/kWh in summer...
  • Workers worse off under National

    Workers’ pay packets continue to go backwards in real terms under National’s ‘rock star’ economy, the Green Party said today. Statistics New Zealand today released the September quarter Labour Cost Index (LCI) which showed ordinary time wages and salaries have risen 10.5 percent since the September 2008 quarter, below inflation of 11.1 percent over the same period. Statistics New Zealand says the LCI is the best measure of earnings. “It shows, despite the Christchurch rebuild and historically high commodity prices...
  • PM urged to support Feed the Kids Bill

    The Green Party has written to Prime Minister John Key urging him to vote for the Feed the Kids Bill if it comes before Parliament tomorrow, to allow MPs to debate how best to feed hungry children at school.
  • National’s housing plan economically reckless

    National’s plan to sell state houses and provide income-related rent subsidies to private landlords will drive up rents and house prices for everyone and is economically reckless, the Green Party said today. “Shifting the responsibility for housing from the Government to the private sector looks like a cynical attempt to enrich landlords while palming off responsibility for housing the vulnerable,” Green Party housing spokesperson Kevin Hague said. “National’s plan swaps our state homes for massive state subsidies to private landlords....
  • UN says cut emissions; NZ Govt increases emissions

    A major climate report released overnight by the United Nations on climate change is an urgent call to action, the Green Party said today.   The report brings together the recent round of UN reports that summarise where climate science has got to. The report states that without additional action we are on track for “severe, widespread, and irreversible impacts globally.”
  • Key misled public over Jason Ede

    Information contained in a new chapter of the book Key: Portrait of a Prime Minister, that Jason Ede stopped working for the National Party on the night the book Dirty Politics was released, shows Mr Key and senior ministers hid crucial facts from the public during the election campaign, says the Green Party. “All through the campaign John Key misled New Zealanders by pretending that Jason Ede was still working for the National Party, when in fact he had stopped...
  • BNZ posts record profit while leaving savers vulnerable

    A small part of the $850 million record profit posted by the Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) today needs to be set aside to protect savers’ deposits in the future, said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today. Dr Norman was responding to the full-year profits posted by the BNZ, which announced a 22 percent increase in after-tax profits today to $850 million. New Zealand remains the only country in the OECD that has no deposit insurance to protect savers'...