
  • Green Party announce Welcome Pack for newborn babies

    The Green Party today announced its final social policy, before the election, aimed at ensuring that every child thrives from the day they are born. To complement the range of initiatives already announced, the Green Party will provide every newborn baby with a welcome package that includes some of the essentials needed by every baby from the day they are born. The key policy points of the package are: Provide every newborn child with a Wahakura Welcome Pack consisting of...
  • Yes or no John Key – is X-Keyscore spying on New Zealanders?

    Prime Minister John Key must explain revelations this evening that the GCSB operates X-Keyscore in New Zealand and conducting mass surveillance on New Zealanders without their knowledge, said the Green Party.   “Yes or no John Key, is X-Keyscore spying on New Zealanders?” asked Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman. “Revelations from Edward Snowden that X-Keyscore is operating on the Southern Cross cable, collecting both metadata and content, and that he has seen that data, need to be explained.
  • Key politicising security for own political gain

    John Key's claims he will declassify secret security documents in order to 'protect' himself and his reputation is deeply concerning, the Green Party said today. "It's reprehensible that John Key is politicising New Zealand's security and intelligence agencies and using them for his own partisan interests," said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman. "John Key is doing whatever suits him for purely party political reasons, using New Zealand's security agencies for his own political gain. "Declassifying secret documents in order...
  • More oil company subsidies and more power price increases under National

    Power prices are set to rise further under National along with our carbon emissions, as outlined in its Energy and Resources policy announced this morning, the Green Party said today. National has announced a further $8 million of new subsidies for oil companies and no new initiatives to curb rising electricity prices, up 27 percent since 2008 despite residential demand falling by 2.6 percent. “National is taking New Zealand down a path of dirty energy and rising electricity prices. Three...
  • NZ on the cusp of more kids in poverty under National

    Three more years of National will see even more New Zealand kids growing up in severe poverty because John Key has announced no plans during the election campaign to reduce child poverty, says the Green Party. Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei is campaigning in Wellington today promoting the party’s $1 billion plan to reduce child poverty. “Just last week John Key said he's confident his government has done everything it can to reduce child poverty. In fact,  thirty five thousand...
  • Key wrong to use cyber protection to justify spying

    John Key is trying to scare and confuse New Zealanders by saying mass surveillance by the GCSB is needed to achieve the country’s cyber protection, the Green Party said today. The Green Party in Government would look to remove the cyber protection functions from the GCSB and put them into a separate agency solely focused on that activity.   “Our cyber protection is undermined by being carried out by spies. What we need is a separate agency whose 100 percent focus...
  • Pay decision great, but more needed for home care workers

    The decision to pay home care workers for the time they spend travelling to clients is a great first step that should be followed by pay equity and a significant rise in their base pay, the Green Party said today. Unions representing care workers reached an agreement today with the Government and home support providers that will see workers paid for the hours they spend travelling between clients. "This decision was long overdue. The Human Rights Commission concluded more than...
  • Greens to build three times more cycleways than National

    "The Green Party will build three times the length of safe, separated cycleways than National over the next three years," said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today. Dr Russel Norman joined Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown to cycle the route of one of the new, planned cycleways connecting Island Bay to Wellington's city centre. "We've been waiting too long for National to build safe, separated cycleways to ensure New Zealanders can cycle safely around our towns and cities," Dr Norman...
  • Go ahead for charters schools wrong

    The Green Party is warning all four organisations named as new partnership schools by Education Minister Hekia Parata today that they will have no future under a new Government. Ms Parata's decision to name the four organisations breaks with a long held convention for the Government of the day to refrain from making significant political decisions in the days before an election. "This decision should not have been made just days before an election, which could ultimately lead to charter...