Govt should drop ECE targets amid quality concern
The Government must drop its early childhood attendance targets as evidence mounts that they could be doing more harm to children than good, the Green Party says. Reports today show that thousands of children might be at risk in low quality ECE services as the Government is recruiting Maori, Pacific and low income children for enrolment in order to bolster its 98 % attendance targets. “The Government is putting its targets ahead of the safety of children,” Green Party education...
Key recklessly, pointlessly, damages China relationship
Evidence that the Key Government recklessly approved a GCSB spying operation to intercept Chinese diplomatic communications between offices in Auckland will pointlessly damage our relationship with China, the Green Party said today. The latest Snowden documents detail plans by the New Zealand spy agency, the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB), to tap Chinese diplomatic communications between their two consular offices in Auckland. The papers don’t reveal if the operation, a joint project with the US National Security Agency (NSA), went...
Four nominees confirmed for Green Party male Co-leader
Four nominees have put their hats in the ring to replace Russel Norman as Green Party male Co-leader, the party announced today.
National denying Kiwis their basic human right to adequate housing
The Green Party whole-heartedly supports the Chief Human Rights Commissioner’s call for a cross-party accord on housing, and it’s time other political parties put their petty differences aside for the good of New Zealanders, the Green Party said today. “It’s time to stop playing politics with housing. New Zealanders want affordable, accessible, healthy housing now, and they’re looking at us, their elected politicians, to make that happen,” said Green Party housing spokesperson Kevin Hague. “As the Chief Human Rights Commissioner...
Christchurch City needs to step back on asset sales
Christchurch City Council’s announcement that it has engaged Cameron Partners to provide financial advice on asset sales casts doubt over the value of the consultation process for its Long Term Plan, the Green Party said today. “Mayor Lianne Dalziel is insisting that no decision has been made on asset sales and that the decision will occur only after the consultation has concluded,” said Eugenie Sage, the Green Party’s Christchurch spokesperson. “If that is the case, why on earth would Christchurch...
Greens call for politicians to do what’s right on housing
Political parties need to stop cherry-picking their housing policies and adopt a package of new and wide-ranging measures to help New Zealanders into their first home, the Green Party said today.
GCSB dragging New Zealand into human rights abuses in Bangladesh
The New Zealand government should stop providing intelligence assistance to Bangladeshi security agencies that are known to systematically engage in human rights abuses, said the Green Party today.
John Key must introduce a Capital Gains Tax before it’s too late
John Key needs to recognise his government’s policies are driving up house prices and instead adopt the Reserve Bank’s recommendation to introduce a Capital Gains Tax, the Green Party said today. “The Reserve Bank today said John Key’s policies are preventing Kiwis from owning their own homes and that a Capital Gains Tax is needed to stem the demand created by tax-free gains on property investments,” said Green Party housing spokesperson Kevin Hague. “It’s time for the Government to do...
Govt ignoring soaring public transport use in Auckland
The Government should take note of huge increases in Auckland’s public transport patronage figures released today by Auckland Transport and bring forward funding for the City Rail Link, the Green Party said. “The Government should stop delaying and fund the City Rail Link immediately,” Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said. “The Green Party will be looking for significant increases in public transport infrastructure investment in Budget 2015. Anything less is short-changing hundreds of thousands of commuters. “At the...
NZ public have a right to know about deployment
New Zealanders deserve to know when our troops are being deployed to Iraq, said the Green party today.