
  • NZ fossil fuel industry admits days are numbered

    The oil and gas industry’s acknowledgment that fossil fuels’ days are numbered has left National isolated in its refusal to work towards a clean energy future, the Green Party said today. The new chief executive of the Petroleum Exploration and Production Association told Radio New Zealand this morning that his industry is ready and willing to adapt to “the transition that we know will ultimately occur”. This follows the Rockefeller Foundation’s decision this week to pull NZ$62 billion worth of...
  • Dairy drop exposes bankruptcy of National's economic strategy

    Fonterra’s cut to the dairy pay-out today shows National needs new ideas for the economy other than reliance on increasing commodity dairy production, which pollutes our waterways more and threatens New Zealand’s clean, green brand, the Green Party said today. “National’s idea of growing our prosperity is to produce ever greater volumes of milk powder, but we need get away from polluting commodities and spend more on innovation so we have a smarter, greener economy,” Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel...
  • McCully must table emissions target while at UN

    Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully needs to table a New Zealand emissions reduction target while at the UN climate summit in New York this week, the Green Party said today. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon convened the summit so countries can give an indication of the emission reductions they intend to make by 2030. “So far National has not been upfront about what it’s prepared to do as part of global efforts to tackle climate change,” said Green Party Climate Change...
  • John Key bats away child poverty problem, again

    John Key cannot continue another term of ignoring the overwhelming statistics that child poverty is the biggest challenge facing New Zealand, said the Green Party today. On Monday night, less than 48 hours after the election, John Key continued to refuse to acknowledge the mounting evidence from the Children’s Commissioner, the Expert’s Advisory Group on Child Poverty and his own Ministry of Social Development that child poverty in New Zealand is getting worse. “Our national identity will be defined through...
  • Govt must back parliamentary support with action over West Papua

    The New Zealand Government needs to back up its parliamentary support of media freedom in West Papua with action, the Green Party said today. A motion tabled by the Green Party, in July 2014, to call on the Indonesian President to commit to genuine press freedom in West Papua was supported by all members of Parliament including the Government. Shortly after the tabling of the Green Party’s motion two French journalists, Thomas Dandois and Valentine Burrat, were arrested in West...
  • Time for new Key Government to take strong action on climate

    The UN Climate Summit in New York on Tuesday is the final, final chance for John Key to demonstrate New Zealand’s commitment to help secure a safe, stable future for our children, the Green Party said today. The one-day summit, convened by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, is intended to give countries the opportunity to declare their contribution to the global effort of emissions reduction before negotiations resume for the legal agreement to be reached by late 2015. “New Zealand has lagged...
  • Greens ramp up defence of environment and workers

    The Green Party is heading into a new parliamentary term promising to ramp up efforts to defend both the environment and workers from National plans to ram through changes that will attack both, Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei said today. National has signalled it will attempt to get planned changes to the Resource Management Act and the Employment Relations Act passed as quickly as possible, in order to please its big business backers. “The environment and workers’ rights are seriously...
  • Action needed to increase voter turnout numbers

    Expanded civics and citizenship education is urgently needed to turn around the low voter turnout in New Zealand, the Green Party said today. The Electoral Commission has estimated voter turnout for the 2014 election at 77.04 percent of those enrolled to vote. This does not include those who were not even enrolled, despite being eligible, with enrolment figures for this election at 91.7 percent of the voting age population, down from 93.4 percent at the last election. "It's not ok...
  • Greens pledge to clean up Govt

    The Green Party is needed in Government to clean up politics after repeated abuses of power by National, the Green Party said today. A former high-ranking Customs lawyer, Curtis Gregorash, says he was told to bury information that could embarrass the Government. The Chief Ombudsman, Dame Beverley Wakem, will include this allegation and other concerns in a wide-ranging inquiry she will hold after the election. This inquiry will look at suppression of information in breach of the Official Information Act...
  • Inequality analysis gives wrong impression

    Recent analysis of trends in inequality over the last 20 years by a tax consultant gives a misleading impression of the reality of inequality and poverty in New Zealand, the Green Party says. Peter Sherwin, Partner, Privately Held Business at Grant Thornton New Zealand, has looked at Ministry of Social Development data and says there is no evidence of a growing divide in New Zealand over the last 20 years. “What Mr Sherwin didn't point out was that in the six...