Saving the planet and saving money, it’s as easy as more Green MPs
A new Clean Power Payment will save households up to $1,200 on their energy bills, every year, and slash carbon emissions.
Clean Power Payment - James Shaw Speech
One of the great privileges of my job is that I get to travel around the country meeting people from all walks of life.
Green Party would ban bottom trawling in the Hauraki Gulf
Responding to the worrying findings of the latest State of our Gulf report, the Green Party says it would take action to ban bottom trawling in the Hauraki Gulf in the first 100 days of a new government.
Dental stories collection reinforces need to invest in kaupapa Māori solutions
The Green Party has released a collection of stories showing the dire need for free dental care in Aotearoa.
Greens release dental stories collection
The Green Party has today released a collection of stories showing exactly why dental care should be free in Aotearoa.
Hauraki Gulf protection welcome, but much more action is needed
The Green Party is today welcoming long overdue protection for the Hauraki Gulf - but is calling on the Government to make sure this is a first step of many to protect our oceans.
Irresponsible Auckland harbour crossing bad for climate and bad for congestion
Throwing tens of billions of dollars at another six lanes of traffic is not going to solve Auckland’s congestion problem - and is grossly irresponsible in the middle of a climate crisis.
Marama Davidson Free Dental for All Speech
Ata mārie and welcome.
Green Party promises free dental for all
The Green Party is today promising to make dental care free for everyone in Aotearoa.
The time is now to strike anti-Pacific racism from New Zealand law
A Green Party member’s bill pulled from the ballot today would strike an anti-Pacific racist law from the country’s books and help heal the wrongs of the past.