Join us online, wherever you are in Aotearoa or around the world to call and connect with voters!

We'll start with training online on how to use our calling software and how to make great calls, then go out and connect with voters before coming back together to debrief.

Who we are calling: supportive voters who have connected with the Green party in the past

How we are calling: using an online calling software. This won't use up your phone data or show your number to anyone. All you need is a stable internet connection

Why we are calling: because discussions over the phone are the greatest way of connecting with people across Aotearoa. Whether they live in the city centre or in the middle of nowhere, we believe in hearing from everyone. Come along for an inspiring night of action where you can make someone's night with a simple conversation over the phone. 

No prior experience is required, join us for training and induction before we start calling supportive voters to ask them what issues matter to them this election.

Details will be sent out in an email closer to the date