Want to help support the international campaign? Our campaign budget goes towards things like events, stickers, fliers, and advertising. The more we have, the more connections we can make with New Zealanders overseas, to let them know about the voting rights extension this election, and encourage them to Love NZ from anywhere and Party Vote Green!
Our overseas votes have the power to elect one more amazing candidate from the Green Party list! Every party vote for the Green Party represents an opportunity for a more progressive government. Only the Green Party will push the government to truly address inequality in Aotearoa, to protect nature, and to take meaningful action on climate change.
We are so grateful for any donation we get, no matter how small! New Zealand electoral law states that donors who fall into the following categories have a donation cap of NZ$50 per calendar year:
(a) an individual who—
(i) resides outside New Zealand; and
(ii) is not a New Zealand citizen or registered as an elector; or
(b) a body corporate incorporated outside New Zealand; or
(c) an unincorporated body that has its head office or principal place of business outside New Zealand
But if you don’t fall into any of those categories, you can donate as much as you like! If you can vote in New Zealand OR if you live in New Zealand (even if you can't vote here yet) you don't have any limit on how much you can donate.
With any donation, please make sure you provide a valid email address so our financial team can make sure we are compliant with all electoral law.
And don’t forget to Party Vote Green and spread the word with whānau and friends overseas!
To find out more about the voting rights extension, our policy for overseas New Zealanders, and how to enrol and Party Vote Green visit overseas.greens.org.nz