Greens celebrate KiwiSaver divestment win, call for further and faster action
Following the Greens’ win that ensures government default KiwiSavers divest from the fossil fuel industry, the Green Party have announced a Members Bill to accelerate this critical work across all public fund managers. -
Green Party supports strong and sustainable public media
The Green Party has today welcomed steps to ensure public media in Aotearoa New Zealand remains strong. -
Green Party welcome festival drug checking research to prove harm reduction approach
“In an ideal world, communities would be completely free of drug use, where we all thrive and live healthy lives. Yet forty years of punitive legal sanctions have only driven problems further underground”, Green Party Drug Reform spokesperson Chlöe Swarbrick said today. -
Medicinal Cannabis regulations mean final Christmas of suffering for many New Zealanders
The Green Party welcome medicinal cannabis regulations released today that will ensure timely treatment for suffering patients. -
Draft bill will ensure informed referendum debate on cannabis control and regulation
The Green Party welcome draft legislation for the cannabis referendum which will provide the information required for a constructive debate on a controlled, health-based approach to cannabis in New Zealand. -
Green Party welcome Suicide Prevention Office
The Green Party welcome the opening of a Suicide Prevention Office that specifically focuses on driving down suicide rates in New Zealand. -
ACC must show leadership on climate change
As the largest publicly owned investor in New Zealand, the ACC board should divest from fossil fuels, demonstrating our leadership role on climate change, Green Party MP Chlöe Swarbrick said today. -
Health-based regime for drug abuse and addiction heralds new era of compassion
The Green Party is celebrating significant changes to the Misuse of Drugs Act that will ensure police treat drug addiction like the health issue it is. "Today we’ve passed the most transformative change in drug law in New Zealand in over 30 years", Green Party spokesperson on drug law reform Chlöe Swarbrick said. "We’re living up to the rhetoric as a country that implements evidence-based policy, and one that prioritises compassion. "Informed by the real-world practice of police, working across... -
Greens welcome revised offer for teachers and principals
The Green Party welcome the PPTA, NZEI and Government coming to agreement on a new offer for teachers and principals, set to be ratified by union members. “After months of meaningful negotiation, we’re proud Unions have a new offer on the table for teachers from the Government, which members are set to ratify,” Green Party Education spokesperson Chlöe Swarbrick said today. “The Greens will continue to listen with open ears as this goes through ratification. “Teachers have... -
Mental health a top priority for wellbeing
“Everybody in Aotearoa New Zealand knows somebody impacted by mental health challenges. Today’s Government Response to the Mental Health and Addiction Inquiry lays the foundation for the much needed transformation of crucial health services to New Zealanders,” Green Party mental health spokesperson Chlöe Swarbrick. “Too many New Zealanders are not reaching out for help when they need it, unsure where to turn. Too many people have been put on waitlists when what they need is to be seen and heard....