Rakitū Island declared latest predator free island
Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sage today declared Rakitū Island, off the coast of Aotea/Great Barrier Island, predator free. -
Turning the tide for hoiho/yellow-eyed penguin
Government, iwi, NGOs, and rehabilitation groups are working together to turn around the fortunes of the nationally endangered hoiho/yellow-eyed penguin following a series of terrible breeding seasons. -
Government to regulate environmentally harmful plastic packaging, tyres, e-waste
The Government is stepping up action to deal with environmentally harmful products – including plastic packaging, tyres and e-waste – before they become waste. -
Greens welcome final RMA review report
The Green Party is welcoming the release of the Resource Management Review Panel’s final report, ‘New Directions for Resource Management in New Zealand’. -
New legislation to end tenure review and improve management of Crown pastoral lands
Law changes to end tenure review and provide for better management of Crown pastoral lands in the South Island high country were considered by Parliament today with the first reading of the Crown Pastoral Land Reform Bill says Minister for Land Information, Eugenie Sage. -
Conservation Board appointments boost diversity
The diversity of conservation boards around Aotearoa is increasing with 47 appointments to 14 of the 15 conservation boards across New Zealand announced today by the Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage. -
Jobs for Nature investment to provide 50 jobs in South Westland
Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage has announced a $2.5 million boost for South Westland to help a regional alliance of local businesses and government agencies provide nature based jobs. -
Te Arawa Lakes Trust among first to benefit from Jobs for Nature and biosecurity investment
Whenua/land, roto/lakes and awa/rivers in the central North Island will benefit from increased habitat protection with new biosecurity investment across iwi and Crown-managed lands and lakes announced Conservation and Land Information Minister Eugenie Sage in Rotorua today. -
Government steps up action on waste - funds recycling infrastructure and expands levy scheme
As part of a broader plan to reduce the increasing amount of rubbish ending up in New Zealand’s landfills, the Government is to fund new recycling infrastructure and expand the national waste levy scheme. $124 million Government investment in recycling infrastructure Plans confirmed to increase and expand the waste levy to divert material from landfill, and recycle revenue into resource recovery and waste minimisation Innovative construction and demolition facility opened in Auckland with $3.1 million in support from Government’s Waste... -
New support package for wildlife institutions
Wildlife institutions affected by a loss of visitor revenue during the COVID-19 lockdown are set to receive government support with nearly $15 million of funding available announced Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sage.