Greens call for additional public holiday for Matariki
The Green Party is calling for Matariki to become a public holiday, allowing New Zealanders to celebrate the Māori New Year over a long weekend. -
Investment in housing gives more people access to the home they deserve
The Green Party says huge new investment in public and transitional housing will get thousands more families into the warm, safe homes they deserve. -
Green Party MP Gareth Hughes to step down at 2020 election
Experienced campaigner and party strategist Gareth Hughes is moving on from Parliamentary politics to open a new chapter in his life and focus on his kids. -
Green Party welcomes interest rate caps on loan sharks
“I congratulate Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Kris Faafoi, for deciding to introduce an amendment to cap interest rates on high cost loans”, Green Party spokesperson on Consumer Affairs Gareth Hughes said today. -
Grants for clean green transport options welcome
The Green Party welcomes grant funding that ensures more low emissions vehicle infrastructure for a clean green New Zealand. “As a Government we’ve set a priority for a clean green future and grants announced today show that being put into action”, said Green Party energy spokesperson Gareth Hughes. “With more resources put in by Government and the private sector, we are increasingly electrifying our roads, freeing us from polluting, gas guzzling vehicles. “There are 29 projects with grant funding that... -
Government will review last remaining taxpayer supports for fossil fuel industries
The Green Party is glad special treatment for oil and gas industries has been winding down since this Government was elected and the last remaining taxpayer funded support measures for fossil fuel industries in New Zealand will be reviewed. In the work program response to the tax working group report the ‘seven-year spreading’ provision, which officials have described as ‘least defendable’, as well as the future of the non-resident oil rig exemption will be reviewed. “Special treatment for oil and... -
New Zealand leadership needed to protect whales
The Green Party is deeply concerned by Japan’s resumption of commercial whaling, Green Party Animal Welfare Spokesperson Gareth Hughes said today. “This is a sad day for whales and a real blow to international efforts to protect these magnificent creatures. “I am very disappointed by Japan’s decision to pull out of the International Whaling Commission after the International Court of Justice ruled their previous whaling program was not for scientific purposes. “Commercial hunting pushed whales to the brink of extinction... -
Green Party welcomes re-opening of the Napier-Wairoa railway line
The Green Party welcomes the re-opening of the Napier-Wairoa railway line announced today, said Green Party MP Gareth Hughes. “The Greens are committed to regional rail, which should be the backbone of our transport system for people and freight. “The Greens are pleased to be part of a Government that is upholding our commitment to restoring our railways in the regions. “The restoration of this like will provide a huge boost to the local economy, it will... -
Review of live animal exports needed to protect animal welfare and New Zealand’s agricultural brand
The Green Party is welcoming the announcement by Minister of Agriculture Damien O’Connor to review New Zealand’s live animal exports rules. “New Zealand’s live animal export laws are in serious need of an update to protect animal welfare and our agricultural brand,” Green Party Animal Welfare spokesperson Gareth Hughes said today. “New Zealand exports tens of thousands of live animals for breeding purposes every year and these animals can face appalling treatment when they arrive in the importing country.” “The... -
Cameras on boats must be quickly scaled up: Greens
The Green Party is glad to finally see the rollout of cameras on selected fishing boats but believes it needs to be scaled-up fast. “We need cameras on all fishing boats as soon as possible to help stamp out illegal practices and protect our fisheries for future generations” says Green Party spokesperson for Fisheries, Gareth Hughes. “The rollout in its current form is too generous with taxpayer’s money, too narrow and too slow. “Whilst we welcome this first step we...