Green Party will stop destructive sea-bed mining in whale habitat
The Green Party will stop destructive sea-bed mining in Taranaki with a moratorium on all sea-bed mining, to protect the habitat of several whale species, including blue whales. The comments follow a decision by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to grant consent for Trans-Tasman Resources Limited (TTRL) to mine iron ore off the coast of Taranaki. “The Green Party is standing up Taranaki iwi and the thousands of New Zealanders who oppose sea-bed mining. TTR’s proposal is in the place... -
New polluting power plant makes mockery of climate change goals
A new gas power plant granted consent today in southern Waikato is a step backwards for New Zealand’s efforts to generate more renewable electricity, the Green Party said today. “New Zealand is blessed with an abundance of renewable electricity options like solar, geothermal, and wind, so there’s no good reason we should be allowing new power plants that burn fossil fuels in the era of climate change,” Green Party energy and resources spokesperson Gareth Hughes said. “It’s irresponsible that climate... -
Conservation Minister picking a fight with Kiwis over more mining
Conservation Minister Maggie Barry will have to go against the will of the New Zealand public if she pushes ahead with more open-cast coal mining on conservation land on the West Coast, the Green Party said today. It has been revealed that the Government is planning to open up areas of the West Coast’s Buller Plateau for open-cast and underground coal mining, home to kiwi, geckos, and other rare plants and animals. “It looks like Maggie Barry herself is at... -
Greens launch plan for cheaper and cleaner electricity
The Green Party has today launched a plan for cheaper power bills, cleaner electricity generation, and a smarter electricity network. The Empowering New Zealand comprehensive plan for the electricity sector includes: $112 million for winter warm-up payments to help low-income households cover their power bills setting a goal for 100 percent renewable electricity by 2030 (in average hydrological conditions) an investigation into the electricity wholesale market encouraging lines companies to work together and embrace new technology to bring down costs... -
Housing crisis hitting students hard
National’s failure to address the rising cost of living and lack of student support is hitting students hard in their back pocket, the Green Party said today. New data released by the New Zealand Union of Students' Associations shows that students are struggling to afford to pay for rent and basic necessities, particularly in Auckland. “National should be making it easier, not harder, to make ends meet while studying in New Zealand,” said Green Party tertiary spokesperson Gareth Hughes. “Access... -
Greens propose Public Interest Journalism Fund
The Green Party has today announced that, in government, it will establish a contestable Public Interest Journalism Fund and restore Radio New Zealand’s (RNZ) frozen funding to inflation-adjusted 2008 levels. The $3 million annual fund will be available through Creative New Zealand to fund one-off journalism projects and ongoing salaries of specialist journalists. All funded content must be publicly available free of charge. Restoring RNZ funding to inflation adjusted levels will cost an additional $3.2 million a year. “There’s a... -
35.5% of Maui’s dolphin sanctuary opened up for oil drilling
The Government’s decision to allow oil drilling in 35.5 percent of the North Island Maui’s dolphin sanctuary, as well as along the shores of picturesque Lake Te Anau and close to Fiordland National Park, creates major risks for New Zealand’s clean and green tourism brand, the Green Party said today. “There are only 63 Maui’s Dolphins alive and drilling for oil and gas in the area that’s supposed to be their sanctuary puts every one of them at risk,” said... -
Massive oil rig liability a ticking time bomb
The Government faces a bill of up to $855 million over the next 25 years as New Zealand’s aging oil rigs come to the end of their life, the Green Party revealed today. The Crown is liable for tax and royalty rebates equal to 42-48 percent of the total decommissioning cost for each of the five oil rigs in New Zealand waters, according to documents released to the Green Party under the Official Information Act. Energy and Resources Minister Judith... -
Radical recommendations no roadmap for tertiary education
The Green Party says the Productivity Commission’s tertiary education recommendations would be a radical ideological experiment with a whole generation of students. The Commission’s report, released today, proposes bringing back interest on student loans and more deregulation of tertiary education. “We simply don’t think the future is that bad for tertiary education," said Green Party tertiary spokesperson Gareth Hughes. “Despite the lowest per-student funding in the OECD, all our universities are highly ranked internationally and have high quality teaching and... -
Single oil and gas permit shows strategy has failed
News that just one small exploration permit has been awarded in the latest oil and gas Block Offer shows it’s time for the Government to give up its fossil fuel strategy and embrace clean energy, the Green Party said today. Previous Block Offers have usually seen 10 or more permits awarded for total areas up to 46,000 sq km, while this year the single permit awarded has an area of just 219 sq km. “With just one local company getting...