Tax should close the inequality gap between people who own and people who earn: Greens
The Labour Party has moved towards more progressive income tax, but is not addressing the growing wealth gap and inequality in Aotearoa. Labour’s new revenue policy also doesn’t help pay for the necessary response to the COVID-19 crisis, Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said today. -
Greens urge continued caution following alert level announcement
The Green Party supports the decision to extend level three restrictions in Auckland until Sunday night, and urges people to continue to follow the health advice to keep us all safe. -
Political parties should stop naked political self-interest and accept the Election Date change: Greens
Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said today: “The Green Party has always held the view that any change in Election Day should ensure that our democracy and collective health is strong." -
James Shaw awaiting precautionary COVID-19 test result
Green Party Co-leader James Shaw is awaiting the result of a precautionary COVID-19 test after travelling to the South Auckland area over the weekend. -
Greens call for continued commitment to science from political leaders
The Green Party is calling for a renewed commitment to trust medical science, following community transmission of COVID-19. -
Low-emissions options for heavy transport a step closer
Getting low-emission trucks on the road is a step closer with investment in infrastructure to support hydrogen vehicles, the Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods has announced. -
Govt progress on climate change essential, risk assessment shows
The release of the National Climate Change Risk Assessment shows that the progress this Government has made to solve the climate crisis is essential to creating cleaner and safer communities across New Zealand. -
Green Party protects stranded Kiwis from $3000 fee for coming home
The Green Party are ensuring that New Zealanders who were overseas when COVID-19 hit will not be charged for the cost of isolation or quarantine if they return home to live. -
Think Ahead, Act Now: Greens unveil vision for Aotearoa
The Green Party has launched its policy platform. -
Greens welcome Kiwibank’s decision to stop doing business with fossil fuels
Green Party Co-leader and Climate Change Spokesperson James Shaw today welcomed Kiwibank’s decision to rule out doing business with companies involved in climate-polluting fossil fuels.