Green Party a strong opposition to divisive government
The Green Party will keep up the fight for an Aotearoa that works for everyone. -
Greens celebrate historic election result
The Green Party is today celebrating its biggest election result ever. -
Go and vote for our future
Green Party co-leaders Marama Davidson and James Shaw are today wrapping up a campaign that has sought to inspire hope, rather than fear, and that has focused on thoroughly thought through, long-term policy, rather than soundbites. -
Let’s vote for the Aotearoa we deserve
The Future is Up to Us released today by the Green Party is a clear vision of the future we can build together. -
Green voice crucial for climate action
The Green Party is today welcoming Labour’s climate manifesto, but is clear that much more will need to be done to tackle the climate crisis. -
Climate future of communities on the line this election
Green Party co leader James Shaw attended a South Dunedin Future street meeting today to discuss local responses to climate change. -
Clean Power Payment the smartest way forward to reduce emissions and bills
Green Party co leader James Shaw visited a home in Auckland today that has been upgraded with a wide range of energy improvements, similar to those that would be supported through the Green Party’s Clean Power Payment. -
Greens will demand Minister for Oceans and Fisheries to lead ocean rescue plan
The Green Party will protect 30% of the ocean by 2030, create an independent Ocean Commission to advise the government, and put a Green Minister for Oceans and Fisheries in charge of making it happen. -
National’s climate pledge a joke
Today’s pledge from the National Party to deliver net zero carbon by 2050 is a bad-faith, disingenuous, and empty promise. -
National needs to come clean about climate cuts
The National Party needs to come clean about the impact of its plan to raid the climate budget and cancel $2 billion of investment in action to cut emissions.