New evidence boosts case for urgent pay transparency reform
The Green Party is calling on the Government to pass legislation to increase pay transparency, saying it is an urgent step that needs to be taken in response to shocking new evidence that most of the pay gap for Pacific, Māori, and other ethnic minorities cannot be explained. -
Green Party calls for safer staffing levels in aged care
The Green Party is calling for urgent government action to ensure safe staffing levels in aged residential care facilities, as a new report today shows a strained workforce is under increasing pressure. -
Greens back calls for mandatory pay gap reporting
The Green Party backs the unions and community groups and Human Rights Commission calling for an urgent change in legislation to make pay gap reporting mandatory. -
US abortion decision reinforces need to protect rights in Aotearoa
The US Supreme Court’s decision on abortion is a reminder that we must take nothing for granted in Aotearoa, the Green Party says. -
Support workers deserve better pay
Care and support workers deserve much better than the pay rates Labour is pushing through Parliament today. -
Oranga Tamariki oversight bill must be withdrawn
The Government must withdraw the proposed Oranga Tamariki oversight legislation in the face of overwhelming opposition, the Green Party says. -
Govt must listen to child sector experts on Oranga Tamariki oversight
The Green Party is calling on the Government to withdraw the proposed Oranga Tamariki oversight legislation which strips away independence and fails to put children at the heart. -
Green Party supports nurses’ ERA decision
The Green Party supports nurses’ continued push for pay equity and calls on the Government to deliver the back pay they had expected. -
Allied health workers deserve better conditions
The Green Party is throwing its support behind the 10,000 allied health workers taking work-to-rule industrial action today because of unfair pay and working conditions. -
UNDRIP – Let’s get on with it
The Green Party welcomes the next steps towards implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in Aotearoa, and calls on the Government to get on with the mahi of upholding Tangata Whenua rights.