Green Party will sign up to long overdue Code of Conduct
Green Party MPs will be signing up to a Parliamentary Code of Conduct, following its release from the Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard. -
Greens call for Government office to address Rainbow issues following Human Rights Commission report
The Human Rights Commission’s PRISM report on the issues impacting people based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) provides an excellent programme of work for future governments to follow, say the Greens. -
Budget 2020: Next steps to end family and sexual violence
The 2020 Budget includes significant support to stabilise New Zealand’s family violence services, whose work has been shown to be so essential throughout the COVID-19 lockdown. -
Time to pay essential heroes a decent wage, says Green Party
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed just how much we rely on our essential workers. The Green Party are proposing a package that ensures they are paid a dignified wage so they do not live in poverty. -
Ground-breaking abortion law passes, giving NZers compassionate healthcare
Ground-breaking law has passed that will decriminalise abortion and ensure women and pregnant people seeking abortions have compassionate healthcare. -
Sexual Violence Legislation Bill has its first reading
A Bill to improve the court system’s response to sexual violence has passed its first reading in Parliament today. -
New report reveals barriers to prosecution and conviction for sexual violence cases
A new report by the Ministry of Justice provides an important baseline for measuring the Government’s work to address and end sexual violence in New Zealand. -
Fair Pay Agreements mean fairness at work – for everyone
The Green Party is pleased to see progress on Fair Pay Agreements, a crucial step towards greater fairness at work for everyone, with Minister Iain Lees-Galloway announcing consultation on a discussion document today. “Fair Pay Agreements are a crucial tool to provide greater fairness at work for everyone,” says Jan Logie, Green Party Workplace Relations spokesperson. “As we move to a zero carbon economy, we need businesses to be focused on innovation rather than driving down wages and conditions to... -
Ensuring fairness and safety for victims of sexual violence in the justice system
The Government will introduce law changes later this year to ensure that the justice system, in prosecuting sexual violence cases, does no more harm to victims and survivors. -
Ensuring fairness and safety for victims of sexual violence in the justice system
The Government will introduce law changes later this year to ensure that the justice system, in prosecuting sexual violence cases, does no more harm to victims and survivors. “Everyone who has been harmed by sexual violence deserves to have justice delivered without going through more, avoidable, trauma,” says Jan Logie, Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister of Justice, at HELP Auckland today. “Research consistently shows that giving evidence is the hardest part of the justice process for sexual violence victims. We...