Threat of more foreign banks means stronger Kiwibank needed
The Government needs to strengthen Kiwibank or face the risk of another foreign-owned bank entering our market and sending its profits offshore, the Green Party said. PwC’s New Zealand Banking Perspectives report predicts that another major foreign-owned bank may decide to set up in New Zealand, citing room for greater competition due to high profitability. The report also shows that bank profits rose to $2.37 billion in the first half of 2015. “The Government should strengthen Kiwibank and allow it... -
Greens challenge National to rule out replacing electric trains with diesel
The National Government shouldn’t drag New Zealand backwards by replacing its climate friendly electric trains with carbon-polluting diesel trains, the Green Party said today. “We are calling on the National Government to rule out replacing KiwiRail’s electric trains with diesel trains,” said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter. Today, Ms Genter, the RMTU, and Generation Zero have gathered near Parliament to tell National not to replace our electric train fleet with diesel trains. The group will then march backwards... -
National’s $10.5 billion transport spend will mostly increase pollution
The National Government is spending its Land Transport Fund primarily on carbon-polluting transport infrastructure, rather than building a clean, balanced and efficient system for the 21st century, the Green Party said today. “The National Government could use the Land Transport Fund future-proof our transport system. Instead, National has chosen to continue spending over a billion dollars per year on a few carbon-polluting motorways that haven’t even passed a business case test,” said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter. ... -
New report demands transport rethink from Govt
New research from the NZTA shows that the Government needs to rethink its transport spending priorities, the Green Party said today. “It’s crystal clear that people want fast, affordable, and efficient public transport, but the Government continues to pour billions into a few expensive highways instead,” Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said. The NZTA’s Public Transport and the Next Generation report shows that transport patterns and choices are fundamentally changing: young people already use public transport more than... -
PPP for Holiday Highway will double cost to taxpayer
The use of private sector finance to build the Pūhoi-Warkworth motorway will make an already uneconomic project more expensive, the Green Party said today. The National Government today announced it was putting the financing and construction of the Pūhoi-Warkworth motorway out to tender as a public-private partnership (PPP). “Building the Puhoi-Warkworth motorway sooner doesn't stop it being an unwise use of money,” said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter. “Borrowing from the private sector to finance the earlier construction... -
Government to blame for Auckland rates rise
The National Government is letting down Auckland by delaying funding for critical rail and bus projects, the Green Party said today. Auckland Mayor Len Brown today announced that ratepayers will face additional average transport levies of $99 for households and $159 for businesses. “National’s refusal to back the smart transport projects Aucklanders need and want means the city is facing a higher increase in rates today,” said Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter. “Aucklanders are voting with their feet... -
Govt ignoring soaring public transport use in Auckland
The Government should take note of huge increases in Auckland’s public transport patronage figures released today by Auckland Transport and bring forward funding for the City Rail Link, the Green Party said. “The Government should stop delaying and fund the City Rail Link immediately,” Green Party transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter said. “The Green Party will be looking for significant increases in public transport infrastructure investment in Budget 2015. Anything less is short-changing hundreds of thousands of commuters. “At the... -
Budget surplus back-down deeply embarrassing for Govt
The Government must be deeply embarrassed that it won’t achieve its long-promised Budget surplus this year, the Green Party said today. Government financial statements published today show a $269 million deficit in the Crown’s operating balance before gains and losses, and an operating balance deficit of $952 million, in the eight months to 28 February 2015. This follows media reports yesterday that Finance Minister Bill English has “all but given up” on reaching surplus this financial year. “Bill English has... -
National must rule out new diesel for Main Trunk Line
The National Government must rule out KiwiRail’s proposal to replace electric with new diesel trains on the Main Trunk Line, the Green Party said today. KiwiRail is proposing to replace electric trains with more diesel-powered engines in a cost-saving plan to buy a dozen more diesel locomotives from China rather than refurbish or replace the electric units. The move will also put hundreds of jobs at risk. “The Government must ensure the massive investment in rail electrification is protected and... -
National’s motorway bribes won’t help Northland
Bringing forward the start date on the Puhoi to Wellsford motorway will not help Northland or the rest of country that will have to pay for it, the Green Party said today. National’s Northland candidate Mark Osborne announced the Government’s intention to start construction on the low value Puhoi to Warkworth motorway project next year in a bid to influence the outcome of the Northland by-election. “Building the Puhoi motorway sooner doesn't stop it being a waste of money,” says...