Test to stay and free N95 masks needed in schools
The Green Party is calling for “test to stay” and N95 masks in schools and early childhood education. -
Phase out PKE as part of climate plan
The Green Party is calling on the Minister of Agriculture, Damien O’Connor to phase out the use of the Palm Kernel Expeller (PKE) on farms to help address the climate crisis. -
No time for half measures - ban import of palm oil by-products
The Government should take urgent action to ban imports of Palm Kernel Expeller and Palm Kernel Meal, the Green Party says. -
Green Party deeply concerned space launches may be breaching nuclear-free laws
The Green Party is deeply concerned that space launches by Rocket Lab may be breaching New Zealand’s long-standing nuclear-free position and legislation. -
Greens call out racial profiling toward Pasifika Communities
The Green Party’s Te Mātāwaka spokesperson for Pacific Peoples is condemning the consistent racial overtone during this pandemic. -
Greens welcome Matariki public holiday date, now we must build this significant time into our education system
The Green Party welcome the dates set out for the next 30 years for the Matariki public holiday, but more must be done to embed this significant cultural period into our education. -
Greens announce Members Bill to stop military launches at Rocket Lab protest
The Green Party’s Security and Intelligence spokesperson, and Te Mātāwaka member Teanau Tuiono MP launched his Member’s Bill at the ‘STOP militarisation’ protest today outside RocketLabs Headquarters in Tāmaki Makaurau. This Bill will amend the Outer Space and High altitude Activities Act and prohibit the launching of military hardware into space from Aotearoa New Zealand. -
Dawn Raids apology welcomed, needs to be backed up with amnesty
The Green Party’s Te Mātāwaka Māori and Pasifika Caucus welcomes an announcement today by the Prime Minister to apologise for the Dawn Raids. -
Greens’ Māori Caucus Te Mātāwaka call for Matariki Ahunga Nui to be expanded in school curriculum
The Green Party are calling for an expansion of the current school curriculum on Matariki, so that a deeper understanding of how it relates to managing and harvesting food is explored. This push comes at the start of the Matariki season, the final year before it is set to become a public holiday on 24 June 2022. -
The Green Party’s Te Mātāwaka welcomes the Wellbeing Budget 2021
Whakarongo ki te tangi a te manu o te taiao Nāna te tangi kia tuituia tatou ki te ao marama Tuia ki runga Tuia ki raro Tuia ki roto Tuia ki waho Tuia te here tangata Ka rongo te pō, ka rongo te ao Te hono a wairua Whakaputa ki Te Whaiao Ki te ao Mārama Tihei Māuri ora! Today the Green Party’s Te Mātāwaka (Māori and Pasifika) caucus supported the 2021 Budget, acknowledging the investment in Māori health,...