Continued strikes show need for bold action
The Green Party backs the demands of thousands of secondary and area school teachers striking today. -
National’s education policy gets an F
The Green Party has marked the National Party’s new education policy and given it a fail, especially for its failure to address the underlying drivers of school performance. -
Greens back teachers’ demands
The Green Party backs the demands of the teachers’ strikers. -
Greens back teachers’ strike
The Green Party stands with teachers in their request for fair pay and decision to strike. -
Wage boost for school bus drivers welcomed
The Green Party is celebrating a win following the news that the Government will invest in boosting the wages of rural school bus drivers. -
Summer COVID plan needed
The Green Party has been left wondering if the Government signed off for the summer break before putting in place a COVID plan. -
Govt must grant visa waivers to all Pacific countries
The Green Party is once again calling on the Government to grant visa waivers to all Pacific countries. -
COVID inquiry disappointingly narrow
The Green Party welcomes a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic – but is disappointed with the narrow scope. -
Govt must extend Samoa visa changes to all Pacific countries
Thanks to Green Party pressure, visitors from Samoa can soon travel to Aotearoa without a visa – a right that should be extended to every Pacific country. -
Greens call on Govt to grant visa waiver status to all Pacific countries
The Green Party is calling on the Government to change visa settings to allow people visiting Aotearoa from the Pacific Islands to do so without having to apply for a visa.