Lasting public health measures needed for COVID response ahead of future waves
Winding down COVID powers does nothing to change the fact that stronger public health measures are needed to protect our immunocompromised and disabled whānau. -
Space for peace
Private companies must be stopped from launching rockets on behalf of foreign militaries into space, the Green Party says. -
Report shows reducing actual farming emissions vital
Evidence shows that relying on offsets to reduce agriculture’s impact on the climate will not work, the Green Party says. -
Indigenous self-determination key to unlocking better future
Data released today by the Human Rights Measurement Initiative shows why land must be returned to tangata whenua, the Green Party says. -
RSE expansion stops short of what’s needed
Today’s expansion of the Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme (RSE) fails to guarantee Pacific people traveling to Aotearoa for work a warm place to live, safe working conditions, and good pay. -
Government handing Fonterra a free pass
Minister O’Connor should immediately pause the Government’s proposed Fonterra Bill and review its potential impact on the climate, the Green Party says. -
Time to support te reo Māori as a core subject and as a medium of instruction
On the 50th anniversary of the Māori language petition, the Green Party is calling on the Government to make te reo Māori a core curriculum subject in mainstream schools and to support Kaupapa Māori education groups. -
Serious questions for Govt to answer following decision to allow deep-sea mining
The Government has questions to answer following a recent decision by international regulators to give the green-light to a potentially destructive deep-sea mining project in the Pacific. -
Vital public health measures still missing from COVID response
Strong public health measures are more vital than ever, the Green Party says as the Government removes many longstanding COVID-19 restrictions. -
Greens welcome review of RSE, but urge Govt to start right now
The Green Party says the Government is right to carry out a full review of the Recognised Seasonal Employers (RSE) scheme - but says the review should start right now.