Pay parity for early childhood teachers, now
A recent decision by the Minister of Education to hold back pay parity for ECE teachers needs changing urgently, the Green Party says. -
Better long-term planning needed for COVID
COVID-19 is here to stay and so the Government needs to put in place long-term protection measures, including mandatory ventilation standards, the Green Party says. -
Abuse revelations leave no choice but to overhaul RSE scheme
The Green Party is calling on the Government to overhaul the Recognised Seasonal Employers scheme in the wake of revelations of shocking human rights violations. -
Member’s bill adds to growing demands on Govt to stop deep sea mining
The Green Party is once again calling on the Government to announce its support for a moratorium on deep sea mining, and to support a member’s bill going to select committee. -
Time to strike anti-Pacific racism from New Zealand law
A Green Party member’s bill launched today would strike an anti-Pacific racist law from the country’s books and help heal the wrongs of the past. -
Greens demand answers as Crown agency backs deep sea mining
Banning deep-sea mining is more urgent than ever following the news that a New Zealand Crown Research Institute, NIWA is set to support what could easily become a damaging mining project in the Pacific Ocean. -
Free masks a Green win
Following pressure from the Green Party, the Government has announced that medical masks will be available free for everyone, with N95 masks free for those most at-risk. -
Greens say fuel tax cut could have saved regional passenger rail, reduce fossil fuel reliance
For the cost of cutting taxes to petrol for three months, the Government could have ensured the future of a transformational increase to passenger rail services between Wellington, the Wairarapa and Manawatū, says the Green Party. -
Green Party calls on PM to stop deep sea mining
The Green Party has written to the Prime Minister on the eve of the Pacific Islands Forum calling on the Government to support a moratorium on deep sea mining. -
Make N95 masks free for everyone
The Green Party is once again calling on the Government to supply free masks to everyone.