Pricing must cut agriculture emissions
Cutting climate pollution must be the number one priority for Cabinet when considering how it intends to price agricultural emissions, the Green Party says. -
Māori voter choice a significant Green win
A strong Green Party voice in Parliament is helping deliver more choice and flexibility for Māori voters. -
Moratorium on deep sea mining needed right now
The Green Party is calling on the Government to announce its support urgently for a moratorium on deep sea mining under the high seas, after Pacific nations joined forces this week to demand change. -
Green Party secures free masks in schools
Political pressure from the Green Party has pushed the Government to supply free masks to kids and teachers in schools across Aotearoa New Zealand. -
Pay equity for kaiārahi i te reo celebrated
Recognising te reo and tikanga Māori in schools starts with pay equity, says the Green Party. -
Testing removal means domestic protections needed
The Green Party says the removal of pre-departure testing for arrivals into New Zealand means the Government must step up domestic measures to protect communities most at risk. -
RSE overhaul needed to centre workers’ rights
The long overdue resumption of the Pacific Access Category and Samoan Quota must be followed by an overhaul of the Recognised Seasonal Employers (RSE) scheme, says the Green Party. -
Lessons must be learned from Delta response
Lessons must be learned from the Government's response to the Delta outbreak, which the Ministry of Health confirmed today left Māori, Pacific, and disabled communities at greater risk. -
Agricultural emissions proposal falls short
The He Waka Eke Noa agricultural emissions pricing proposal leaves more questions than answers, the Green Party says. -
Schools need COVID-19 plan for winter
The Green Party is calling for a Government COVID-19 Action Plan for schools, following expert advice about a possible winter COVID-19 peak.