Open letter calling for ACC to cover all birth injuries and trauma reaches 10,000 signatures
In less than 12 hours, more than 10,000 people have signed on the Green Party’s open letter asking for ACC to cover all birth injuries and trauma. -
Greens call for all birth injuries to be covered by ACC, launch open letter
The Green Party is launching an open letter to the Minister for ACC asking for all birth injuries and trauma to be covered, and the letter has strong support from the sector. -
Help not harm
Let's transform ACC to become an Agency of Comprehensive Care When our friends and whānau have an accident or become unable to work, we want them to be looked after with the care and support they need. But right now, ACC, the agency set-up to catch people in unexpected tough times, is letting too many people fall through the cracks. ACC was originally established over 50 years ago to support people with a no-fault basis, but this is far from... -
Accident Compensation Policy
The Green Party will ensure that Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) functions ethically and equitably, in a way that is aligned with the Woodhouse principles of community responsibility, comprehensive entitlements, complete rehabilitation, real compensation, and administrative efficiency. ACC will be expanded into income support and treatment for injuries, disability and illnesses, no matter their origin. Vision A holistic social security, health and disability system focuses on promoting good health, reducing the risk and impact of illness, disability and injury, and improving... -
Prohibition of Investment of Public Funds in Fossil Fuels Bill
This Member’s Bill sets out the Green Party’s plan to move Aotearoa New Zealand towards a safe climate future, by divesting all public funds from fossil fuel industries. Why are we doing this? We’re working hard to create a future that we can be proud to pass on to our kids and our grandkids, and we want New Zealanders to look back on today and know that we did everything we could to prevent the climate crisis. We know that... -
ACC must show leadership on climate change
As the largest publicly owned investor in New Zealand, the ACC board should divest from fossil fuels, demonstrating our leadership role on climate change, Green Party MP Chlöe Swarbrick said today. -
Govt caught acting unethically over cluster bomb investments
Information uncovered by the Green Party showing the Government’s $31 billion ACC Investment Fund has been illegally investing New Zealanders’ money into cluster munitions companies is further evidence of National’s disregard for the laws and ethics of investment. The Green Party asked the ACC Fund in November 2015 whether it had any exposure to illegal investments in cluster munitions companies through pooled or collective investment vehicles. Seventy-six working days later*, the ACC Fund admitted that it had $1.4 million invested...