Green Party Bill on Country of Origin Food Labelling passes into law
A Green Party member’s bill that allows New Zealanders to know where their food comes was passed almost unanimously by Parliament today, Green Party MP Gareth Hughes has announced. -
Fireworks belong in public displays not pop-up shops
The Green Party has written to the Environment select committee asking for it to consult the public on banning the private sale and use of fireworks. -
Rodeo report a disappointment and fails animals
The Green Party believes animals should not suffer to provide entertainment for people and we are calling for a ban on the use of animals in rodeo events. -
Green Party welcomes High Court seabed mining decision
The Green Party is celebrating this court victory for the environment with the High Court saying the EPA’s Decision Making Committee’s interpretation of the law was inconsistent with the purpose of the EEZ Act. “This is a win for people power and for the whales and dolphins who live in this area threatened by mining”, said Green Party MP Gareth Hughes. “The result is thanks to the dedication of Ngati Ruanui, Forest and Bird, Greenpeace and Kiwis against Seabed Mining... -
Green Party secures access to training funding to help animals during emergencies
The Green Party today welcomes correspondence by Government to allow animal organisations to access Emergency Management Adult Community Education training funding to support animals in emergencies. “Kiwis love their pets and in times of crisis it’s important they aren’t forgotten,“ says Green Party animal welfare spokesperson Gareth Hughes. “Previously, despite having official roles in natural disaster responses, animal groups could not access funding to better prepare their volunteers to support animals in emergencies. “I wrote to the Minister of Education... -
Milking shed beatings show need to enforce our animal welfare laws
The Green Party has called for a review of MPI’s investigation of a milking shed after new footage of dairy cow abuse was released by Newsroom today. “The footage is absolutely shocking and beating animals with steel tubes should have no place on New Zealand farms,” says Green Party animal welfare spokesperson Gareth Hughes. “This should have been detected and prosecuted the first time the farm was investigated. “MPI needs to do its job and investigate or the entire country’s... -
Greyhound on meth a wakeup call for racing industry
The Green Party is calling on the greyhound racing industry to better address animal welfare issues, following the release of a finding by the Judicial Control Authority for Racing that a dog was found to have traces of methamphetamine and amphetamine in its system after winning a race last year. -
Racing industry needs to stop Greyhounds dying
The Green Party is calling on the racing industry to immediately address animal welfare issues, including the high rates of death, in the greyhound racing industry or risk losing its social licence to operate, following the release of a scathing report by Hon. Rodney Hansen QC today. -
Greens welcome cage-free commitment from Foodstuffs
The Green Party welcomes today’s announcement from Foodstuffs that they will switch to completely cage-free eggs by 2027 in their supermarkets nationwide, and is calling on all supermarkets, to follow suit. “To have one of New Zealand’s biggest grocery distributors commit to going cage-free is fantastic,” said Green Party animal welfare spokesperson Mojo Mathers. “This is a strong message that time’s up for cruel cages and colony production. “Foodstuffs’ leadership will further increase the financial stability for New Zealand’s... -
Commerce Commission should look into free-range egg labelling
Green Party MP Mojo Mathers has written to the Commerce Commission asking it to inquire into the alleged mislabelling of eggs laid in cages as “free-range”, the Green Party said today. An investigation into the Palace Poultry brand has revealed that millions of cage-laid eggs were allegedly mislabelled and sold as “free-range”. Egg brands Woodland, Farmer Brown, and Countdown’s Select also reportedly sourced their “free-range” eggs from Palace Poultry. “New Zealanders should be able to trust that when they buy...