Greens back taihoa call on Oranga Tamariki bill
The Green Party will be voting against the Oranga Tamariki oversight bill as it comes up for second reading in Parliament today. -
Oranga Tamariki oversight bill must be withdrawn
The Government must withdraw the proposed Oranga Tamariki oversight legislation in the face of overwhelming opposition, the Green Party says. -
Govt must listen to child sector experts on Oranga Tamariki oversight
The Green Party is calling on the Government to withdraw the proposed Oranga Tamariki oversight legislation which strips away independence and fails to put children at the heart. -
Liveable incomes still desperately needed
Today’s child poverty statistics show family incomes are not high enough, and the Government must do more if it really wants to end child poverty. -
Prioritise Māori and Pasifika providers in vax rollout to children, and keep pushing for over 90%
The Green Party is calling on the Government to do everything it can to boost the Māori vaccination rate to over 90% of the eligible population, and to prioritise Māori and Pasifika providers in the rollout of vaccinations to 5-11 year olds, now that Medsafe has provisionally approved its use for the younger age group. -
Green Party celebrates better support for birth injuries
The Greens are celebrating the first reading last night of new ACC legislation to better support birth injuries after a successful campaign achieved record support. -
Te Mātāwaka: Oversight of Oranga Tamariki needs to be independent of Government
The Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System and Children and Young People's Commission Bill will have its first reading today, but the Green Party will not be supporting it. -
Significant power shift vital for our mokopuna
The Green Party and its Te Mātāwaka caucus welcomes the release of the Oranga Tamariki ministerial advisory board’s report, which echoes what many inquiries have been saying for years. -
Grainne Moss’ resignation welcome, it must pave way for Māori leadership at OT
The Green Party welcomes the resignation of Grainne Moss as Chief Executive of Oranga Tamariki. -
Oranga Tamariki head should question whether she has trust of Māori communities
“When considering whether to resign, Oranga Tamariki head Grainne Moss should question whether communities on the ground, particularly Māori, have trust and faith in her to do the job”, Green Party Māori Development spokesperson Dr Elizabeth Kerekere said today.