Green Party to join the People’s Climate March
The Green Party will be out in force this weekend, as MPs, celebrities and supporters join the Green Bloc to march in solidarity with thousands of Kiwis taking to the streets to demand action on climate change. Across New Zealand, people from all walks of life will take to the streets, led by a coalition of humanitarian organisations, environment groups, trade unions and faith groups. Tens of thousands of Kiwis are expected to join marches throughout the country on Saturday... -
Agricultural disaster from climate pollution if Govt fails to act now
Locust swarms, invasive ants, tick borne livestock diseases and rampant aquatic weed growth are just some of the potential impacts on our agricultural and horticultural industries that the Government must protect against at the Paris climate talks next week, the Green Party said today. The comments come on the back of a report soon-to-be released by the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) on the effects of climate change on current and potential pests and diseases. “The MPI report... -
Agriculture must be part of Emissions Trading Scheme review
The National Government’s review of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) must take climate change seriously by making agriculture part of the discussion, and ensuring there is a meaningful price on carbon, the Green Party said today. Climate Change Issues Minister Tim Groser announced today that agriculture, which makes up 47 percent of New Zealand’s emissions, will be excluded in its review the ETS. “Agriculture must be part of the discussion, and its exclusion is at odds with the Prime Minister’s... -
Groser misleads on climate costs to justify lack of ambition
Minister of Climate Change Issues, Tim Groser, continues to pedal misleading numbers around the cost of reducing New Zealand’s climate pollution. On Q&A yesterday, Minister Groser again misrepresented the cost New Zealanders would bear to meet his Government’s low target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 11 percent below 1990 levels. “Claiming that action on climate change will cost New Zealanders $30 billion dollars, without saying how much Kiwis would save by taking that action, is grossly misleading and Tim Groser... -
You might not have a strong plan to cut emissions Tim, but we do
The Green Party is offering its plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions to the National Government, after Climate Change Issues Minister Tim Groser confirmed this morning that his plan is flimsy. Speaking on Q+A this morning, Mr Groser demonstrated that not only is the Government’s target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 11 per cent on 1990 levels feeble, but his plan to achieve it has no substance. “The Green Party has a plan to get us to 40 per... -
Government’s climate denial puts peoples’ livelihoods and assets at risk
Finance Minister Bill English’s description of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s report on sea level rise as mere “speculation” denies the evidence and puts the livelihoods and assets of people living in places like South Dunedin or Napier at serious risk. Mr English dismissed the report’s primary finding that sea level rise is now certain, as mere “speculation”, and rejected her recommendation that he should plan for financial support for people who might see their homes and assets threatened... -
Change the Govt if you want action on climate
The National Government’s unwillingness to work cross-party to address climate change is putting businesses and the economy at greater risk, the Green Party said today. Green Party co-leader James Shaw questioned Finance Minister Bill English in the House today on reaching a consensus on the climate — the first of a week-long series of questions on the climate in the lead up to talks in Paris starting on November 30. “The National Government’s unwillingness to work cross-party means the Government... -
Greens offer Government chance to vote for the environment
The Green Party is offering the National Government the chance today to vote for the environment, and show it can work constructively across parties to future proof our economy by voting for two Green Party Members’ Bills, the Green Party says. Parliament will today vote on two Green Party Members’ Bills - Green Party Co-leader James Shaw's Climate Change (Divestment from Fossil Fuels) Bill, and Green MP Gareth Hughes’ Fair Go for Solar Bill. The Divestment Bill would direct the managers of... -
Green Party proposes business tax breaks for clean transport options
The Green Party has today launched a suite of new policies that will dramatically increase the number of electric vehicles on New Zealand roads, save Kiwis money, and cut pollution. The Green Party’s new policies will remove fringe benefit tax from electric vehicles provided by businesses for their staff, and public transport passes provided by businesses to help staff get to and from work. “Tax breaks for businesses who choose electric cars provide a major cash incentive to... -
Govt plans to melt Antarctica!
The National Government’s plans for emissions reduction will melt Antarctica if all other countries follow our lead, the Green Party said today. New research published today in Nature magazine led by Nick Golledge, at Victoria University’s Antarctic Research Centre, has confirmed that Antarctica’s ice cap will melt unless ambitious action is taken to start reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the next five years. “If most countries followed New Zealand’s lead, global warming would exceed 3–4°C leading to major losses of...