New $750m fund part of Climate-Safe Communities plan to protect towns and cities from flooding
The Green Party has today announced a Climate-Safe Communities plan to both cut emissions and protect our communities from the impact of climate change. -
James Shaw - Climate Safe Communities Speech
A family whose home was flooded to the ceiling of the ground floor. The kitchen, dining and living rooms filled as completely as a fish-tank. -
Cabinet’s emissions pricing plan leaves too much to chance
Only the Green Party has a plan to reduce agricultural emissions at the scale and pace needed. The Labour Cabinet’s plan for pricing agriculture emissions announced today falls short. -
Saving the planet and saving money, it’s as easy as more Green MPs
A new Clean Power Payment will save households up to $1,200 on their energy bills, every year, and slash carbon emissions. -
Clean Power Payment - James Shaw Speech
One of the great privileges of my job is that I get to travel around the country meeting people from all walks of life. -
Come on National, is that the best you can do?
A visionless National Party has stolen Government policy and rebranded it as their own. -
IPCC report shows 2023 is a ‘now or never’ climate election
“This is it; 2023 will be the last opportunity New Zealand has to get a government that will confront the climate emergency with the urgency it demands,” says the Green Party’s co-leader and climate change spokesperson, James Shaw. -
Greens back School Strike demands
The Green Party backs the demands of the School Strike for Climate. -
Greens not on board with fossil fuel subsidy
The Green Party is calling on the Government to provide direct support to low-income households and to stop subsidising fossil fuels during a climate crisis. -
Green Party backs School Strike demands
The Green Party backs the demands of the School Strike for Climate.