Climate change
The Green Party wants future generations to know we did everything we could to prevent the climate crisis. Unfortunately, previous governments left polluters free to profit at the cost of our kids’ and grandkids’ futures. The changing climate means communities throughout Aotearoa and around the world are facing more extreme weather events. During the last three years in Government the Green Party has done more for the climate than all governments for the past 30 years combined. We passed the... -
Greens welcome Kiwibank’s decision to stop doing business with fossil fuels
Green Party Co-leader and Climate Change Spokesperson James Shaw today welcomed Kiwibank’s decision to rule out doing business with companies involved in climate-polluting fossil fuels. -
Another Green win as climate change considerations inserted into the RMA
The Green Party is thrilled to see changes to the Resource Management Act (RMA) that mean consents for large projects can be declined if they will have significant climate change implications that are inconsistent with the Zero Carbon Act and Aotearoa New Zealand’s Paris Agreement obligations. -
Greens welcome new ACC zero carbon plans, call for ruling out any future fossil fuel investment
The Green Party welcomes the ACC’s announcement to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 but emphasises the need to go further, and faster to truly meet the climate change challenge. -
Climate Change Policy
Tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti seek to mitigate climate harms by prioritising a cultural shift that addresses the root causes of climate change. This will be achieved by focusing on Te Tiriti o Waitangi-based solutions, energy sufficiency, efficiency and democratisation, supporting sustainable modes of transport, rapidly phasing out fossil fuels, agricultural diversification to plant-based, climate-safe and resilient models, and economic transformation that avoids growth. Adaptation planning, just transition and free public services will prioritise the needs of the most vulnerable,... -
COVID-19 recovery: Greens call for investment in people and nature
As Aotearoa starts focusing on the economic recovery from COVID-19 the Green Party is calling for an economic stimulus package fit for the 21st century that puts people, climate, and nature first with significant investment in nature based jobs. -
Energy Policy
We will democratise and decarbonise New Zealand’s energy system through reform of electricity markets; support for community energy ownership and self-determination; legislated cuts in fossil fuel use; electrification of transport and heat; and big increases in energy efficiency and new renewable supply, to create an equitable, affordable and climate resilient energy system. Vision Aotearoa is an energy-sovereign nation where everyone has access to reliable, affordable and renewable energy from a democratised energy system that prioritises Māori, community and public ownership... -
Greens celebrate KiwiSaver divestment win, call for further and faster action
Following the Greens’ win that ensures government default KiwiSavers divest from the fossil fuel industry, the Green Party have announced a Members Bill to accelerate this critical work across all public fund managers. -
Greens’ KiwiSaver win reflects urgency of climate crisis
The Greens in Government have won a significant change to KiwiSaver funds that will bring an end to investments in fossil fuels, Green Party Co-leader James Shaw said today. -
Flicking the switch on a clean powered public service
Our Government’s programme to upgrade infrastructure and modernise the economy will help more communities to be part of the solution to climate change through a clean-powered public service.